The two-phase gas-liquid flow in pipes has become
increasingly important to engineers in recent years because this
type of flow is encountered in large number of situations and a
clear understanding of transport rates is necessary for logical
and complete design and operations of a very wide variety of
engineering equipments and processes. Hydrodynamic and heat
transfer studies in tv/o-phase system have been carried out to
some extent earlier but the available information about the twophase
mass transfer rates under different flow regimes is
extremely limited and only during the last two decades some
efforts have been made to systematically study the two-phase mass
transfer rates in different types of contacting equipments.
Literature survey revealed that only very few mass
transfer studies have been made in horizontal cocurrent gasliquid
flow in the slug flow regime and there has been no reported
information about the effect of the presence of twisted tape inserts
on mass transfer rates. Therefore, the present investigations
were undertaken to understand and analyze the hydrodynamic and
mass transfer phenomena in horizontal two-phase gas-liquid flow
in slug flow regime with and without twisted tape inserts.
Pressure drop and mass transfer studies with and without
chemical reaction are carried out for horizontal gas-liquid flow
in the slug flow regime. The systems studied are carbondioxide -
humidified air mixture as the gas phase and water as the liquid
phase for physical absorption and aqueous sodiumhydroxide
solutions for chemical absorption studies. The velocity ranges
investigated are : 0.13 to 0. 73 m/sec for liquid and 0. 60 to 10.0
m/sec for the gas. Test section consisted of a smooth 13.5 mm
internal diameter and about 4.0 metre long perspex tube. Twisted
tapes were made from smooth 0. 75 mm thick, 12.50 mm wide and
2.50 metre long stainless steel strips. Experiments were carried
out using empty tube and tube with twisted tapes throughout the
test section length. The pitch (360 degrees) to diameter ratios of
5.00 and 9.32 v/ere used.
The generation of swirl flow in pipe-lines by the use of
internal twisted tapes results in the formation of complex flow
patterns when used with two-phase gas-liquid flow. The main
effect of this "swirling motion " is its ability to increase the
dispersion of gas into liquid but at high swirl intensity there is a
tendency for the liquid to be thrown to the wall of the horizontal
tube and the flow of gas is largely restricted in the central core.
Thus, the swirling flow has a significant effect on the interfacial
area and liquid phase mass transfer coefficient.
Samples v/ere withdrawn at three points for analysis but
some experimental runs could not be used for calculation of
required parameters because the concentration of carbondioxide
in the liquid phase tended to approach the saturation value at a
short distance from the inlet in the case of physical absorption
in tube with lower pitch ratio twisted tape insert when high gas
flow rates and low liquid flow rates were used. In the case of
chemical absorption under similar conditions, almost 100 percent
absorption of carbondioxide gas from the gas mixture was observed,
The pressure drop per unit length of the test section
increased to a high magnitude when twisted tape insert of lower
pitch ratio was used. Increase in gas and liquid flow rates also
resulted in higher pressure drop. This increase in pressure
losses due to the presence of twisted tapes reduces the effective
ness of using the twisted tape inserts to certain extent. The
pressure drop values were always calculated by using the
following modified friction factor equation developed from
Smithberg-Landis correlation for Reynolds number range of
2100 to 106 :
r , -1.07"i _n f • 0.0014 + L0.125 + 2.51 (H/D - 0.5) JRe
r -0.5"\ n = 0.32 L 1 + 0.65 (H/D) J
H/D = pitch to diameter ratio for 360 degrees twist
Re = Reynolds number z: Djj . V . p / u
D« = hydraulic diameter
The pressure drop in two-phase gas-liquid flow was
calculated using Hughmark method of two-phase Reynolds number
and Lockhart-Martinelli method. The values of pressure drop
predicted by Hughmark method were always lower than the
pressure drop measured experimentally with an average
under-prediction of 37.7 percent. The Lockhart-Martinelli
method of calculating the two-phase pressure drop was found
better since this method under-predicted the pressure drop values
for only 80 percent data points while the predicted values for the
remaining 20 percent data points were more than the experimental
pressure drop. The average under-prediction from Lockhart-
Martinelli method is only 11.3 percent. The pressure drop values
calculated by Lockhart-Martinelli method can be further improved
using the following relationship :
1 018 ( AP/A.L) " 1.134 ( Ap/AL)t' ; standard error = 17.9%
( AP/AL) = predicted two-phase pressure
drop, kN/m3.
( A,P/AL) = two-phase pressure drop values
LM estimated by Lockhart-Martinelli
method, kN/m3.
, o
The volumetric liquid mass transfer coefficient, kL a ,
was observed to increase with an increase in superficial fluid
velocities or decrease in the pitch ratio. It was correlated
in terms of pressure drop, two-phase Reynolds number and
Jepsen's energy dissipation parameter. Jepsen's energy
dissipation parameter, £• , was found to be the most suitable
for the correlation. The volumetric mass transfer coefficients
correlated most satisfactorily by :
Empty tube :
k°a = 0.0331 6 ' 5| €1^4.0, standard error = 15*8%
>-i J J
k °a « 0.0234 6t'765 '» €r &4-° >^^dard error - 38.4%
Tube with twisted tape inserts ;
0 97 7 kT a = 0.0853 6 ' ; € «$8.0, standard error = 23.6%
*-* J J
kT°a * 0.0384 £.0'660. ^ > 80, standard error =22.7%
L J CJ "
where kT ° a is in Sec"* and <6j is in kN/m. sec.
From practical point of view it is more desirable to know
the effect of twisted tape on volumetric mass transfer modulus,
Mk ° , that is, k ° a / (A P/ A L). At lower gas velocities
L "
the twisted tape with larger pitch ratio ( H/D = 9. 32 ) gave the
maximum value of Mk^ °a at superficial liquid velocity upto
0. 8 m/sec. But at higher gas velocity the maximum value of
M, o • was found to be limited to a much lower value of liquid
kL a
The effective interfacial area, a , was observed to increase
with an increase in superficial gas velocity or decrease in the
pitch ratio. Interfacial area increased initially with an increasein
superficial liquid velocity upto a value of 0.4 m/sec. but further
increase in superficial liquid velocity, in general, decreases the
interfacial area. The effect of difference in pitch ratio ( H/D =
5.0, and 9. 32 ) was found to be marginal but the observed values
of interfacial area v/ere 1,5 to 4.0 times the values obtained in
empty tube.
The effective interfacial area is correlated by Banerjee
energy dissipation parameter, two-phase Reynolds number and
Jepsen's energy disspotion parameter. Area creation rate, first
defined by Kasturi and Stepanek, was also correlated by prescure
drop. The correlations based on Jepsen's energy dissipation
parameter, CT , and area creation rate, ( a Qt) / E-r , were
found to be most suitable. The effective interfacial area
correlations with Jepsen's energy dissipation parameter are :
Empty tube :
C. 313 a = 163.9 €j' ; standard error = 31.0%
Tube with twisted tape inserts
a = 253.9 £°«231 . standard error • 31.2%
2 3 where a is in m'"' / m .
Kasturi and Stepanek's area creation rate correlations with
pressure drop are given as :
Empty tube :
( a QL ) / E = 0.0224 (Ap/AL) ' ' ; standard error • 32.3%
Tube with twisted tape inserts
(aQL )/ EL =0.00778 (AP/ AL) '°
standard error = 32.8 %
where a Qr / Et is rate of area creation in m /sec.
From practical consideration it may be more desirable to
estimate the area modulus, a/ (Ap/Al), or area creation
rate modulus , ( a QL / EL ) / (Ap/AL), Area modulus was
found dependent on superficial gas and liquid velocities, but the
value of area creation rate modulus can be found quite easily by :
Empty tube :
( a Q / ET ) 0.034
h k - 0.0224 ( A P/^L) Si 0.0224
( AP/ A L)
Tube with twisted tape inserts
( aQr / ET ) 0.064
- ^ = 0.00778 ( A P/ A L) CrT 0.00778
( A P/ A L)
The liquid phase mass transfer coefficient, k , was
calculated from the volumetric liquid phase mass transfer
coefficient, kT°a, and the value of interfacial area, a, at the
similar hydrodynamic condition, that is, at the same value of
two-phase Reynolds number. k,° was found to increase with an
increase in superficial gas velocity and decrease in the pitch
o k was correlated using the correlating parameters
proposed by Jepsen, Banerjeo, Lament and Scott and Kasturi and
Stepanek. The Jepsen energy dissipation parameter and the
method of Kasturi and Stepanek were found most satisfactory.
These correlations are given as below :
Empty tube and tube with twisted tape inserts
kL° = 1.500 xlO"4 £0-375 . standard error = 28.8%
where k, is in m/sec.
Empty tube :
_ 4 ShL = 0,1243 PcL EuLSc^ 2 ; standard error =30.5%
Tube with twisted tape inserts
i ShL = 0.07863 PeL EuLSC]^ 2 ; standard error - 31.2%
where ShL , Pe , EuL and Sc^ are liquid phase Sherwood,
Pedet, Euler and Schmidt numbers respectively.
It may be noted that in most of the cases the numerical
values of the constants in all correlationr for tube with twisted
tape inserts were found to be independent of the pitch-to-diameter
ratio of the twisted tapes investigated. However, these values
differed considerably when compared with those for empty tube.
Following values selected from the range of parameters
studied in the present investigation, show the effectiveness of the
use of twisted tape inserts on mass transfer coefficients and
interfacial area :
£ , k-N/mi1 sec.
0.1 0.4 1 4 10 40 100
(kT °a)
u twisted
4.45 3.29 2.42 1.68 1.33 1.19 1.02
(k °a)
J-1 empty
1.88 1.67 1.53 1.40 1.28 1.12 1.07
(a) x
(k °) v L 'twisted
1. 72 1.43 1.27 1.09 0.88 0.89
O + *-• empty
The value of effectiveness factor greater than unity proves the
utility of tv/isted tape inserts, and the above values clearly show that
the use of twisted tape inserts is attractive to increase the mass
transfer rates and interfacial area only upto a limited increase in
liquid and gas velocities.
The results of the present investigation clearly show that the
mass transfer rates can be increased by using the twisted tape inserts
and this increase is maximum, at low gas and liquid velocities. The
effectiveness of twisted tape inserts is maximum at low values of
to a sufficiently high value the use of tv/isted tape inserts may even
retard the mass transfer rates when compared with those for empty
Jepsen's energy dissipation parameter, £ , and as £ T
tube. Thus, absorber volume can be reduced considerably by
using twisted tape inserts but at a considerably high pressure
drop. When pressure loss considerations are important it is
recommended to use twisted tapes with very large pitch to
diameter ratio especially at lower liquid and gas velocities.
It is hoped that the correlations developed in the present
investigations will be useful in the design of tubular absorbers
and reactors.