Industrial fluidized beds normally use wide size distributions
of solid feeds in continuous operations. In literature, practically no
work has been reported about the mean residence time of different size
particles in moving and fluidized beds when mixed feed containing parti
cles of wide size distributions are used, Fluidized beds at present
are designed on the assumption of equal mean residence time for each
size particles. The present work investigates the residence time
distributions of particles of different sizes using mixed feeds in moving
and fluidized beds. The effect of air flow rate, solid feed rate, bed
height and particle size distribution of solids was analysed and the
findings are of great importance for the proper design of fluidized. bed
systems in which mixed feeds are used.
A 50 mm inside diameter column of perspex and glass ballotini
beads of 0. 3 93 mm, 0. 724 mm: and 0. 96 mm diameter were used in the
investigation. The solid feed in different size combination was introduced
at the top of the bed and the solids were removed by a discharge system
located mostly at the bottom of the bed, thus giving, in general, a
downward flow of solids. Air was used as the fluidizing gas and studies
were made on the residence times of solids in moving and fluidized beds
by using stimulus-response technique with fine coating of iron particles
on glass ballotini beads as tracer.
The study of moving beds was carried out with air flow rates
in the range of 0. 2u^ to 0. 95 u^ using a double pulse tracer injec
tion technique to eliminate the end effects. The effect of particle
size was studied by introducing the tracers of different sizes in the
feeds of mixed sizes. The parameters studied were: solid feed rates
from 34 to 300 g/min giving a mean residence time of particles in
the range of 1. 1 min to 30 min and the bed height to diameter ratios
were varied from 2. 0 to 6. 0.
The studies on fluidized beds were carried out by single pulse
tracer injection technique and the air flow rates were varied from 1. 2
to 6. 0 u^f. The effect of particle size was studied by introducing
tracer particle of different sizes in the feeds of mixed sizes. The para
meters studied were: solid feed rate from 34 to 300 g/min, bed hold
ups corresponding to static bed height to diameter ratios from 0. 5 to
4. 0 and the mean residence time was varied from 1. 1 to 10. min.
The tracer studies revealed interesting and useful observations
and further investigation was carried out on the mixed feeds in fluidized
beds by analysing the bed hold ups. The parameters investigated were
air flow rate from 1.3 to 8.0 urf, solid feed rate from 120 to 500 g/min,
bed hold ups from 90 to 620 g of solids corresponding to static bed
height to diameter ratios from 0. 5 to 4. 0.
A model is proposed for fluidized beds to explain the observed
behaviour at different operating conditions. Axial and radial distribution
of solids in the bed were measured and modifications in the solid
discharge system were made to confirm the basic postulates of the
proposed model.
The effect of horizontal and vertical baffles was also studied
and the changes in the hold up ratios are explained with the help of the
proposed model.
For the system studied, experimental results confirm that the
flow of solids in moving beds closely resembles plug flow upto u/umf
of 0. 95. End effects due to the solid discharge system are primarily
responsible for any dispersion observed in the stimulus response
experiments. There is practically no effect of bed height to diameter
ratios or of solid feed rate on the flow pattern of solids in moving beds.
In the experimental range investigated a dead zone of particles was
observed in moving bed close to the solid discharge system. The dead
zone remained virtually uninfluenced by variables like particle size
and bed height but an increase in solid feed decreased the volume of
the dead zone. In moving beds with continuous solid feeds of mixed
sizes of particles, the flow behaviour of each size particles exhibited
plug flow quite closely upto u/urn£ value of 0. 95.
In fluidized beds with feeds of uniform sizes, experimental
results confirm that the solid flow pattern resembles ideal backmix
for air velocity higher than 1.5 u .. For air velocities from 1. 2 to
1.5 u £, the presence of short circuiting, dead zone and plug flow
was detected along with the major backmix flow. In fluidized beds
(xx i)
using mixed size feeds the particles of each size exhibited different
mean residence times and yet individually they were found to be per
fectly backmixed. The mean residence time of large size particles was
found to be more than that of smaller particles. This effect is quite use
ful for industrial appHcations of fluidized beds for continuous feeds contain
ing mixed size particles. The hold up ratios, defined as the ratio of the
mean residence times of any two size particles increased with air
velocity upto about 2. 5 umf , and further increase in air velocity resulted
in a sharp decrease in the value of hold up ratios. The hold up ratios
are found to be independent of the solid feed composition provided u/u^
is used as the correlating parameter. A second order polynomial of
the form:
2: = b + c (u/umf) + d (u/uj
satisfactorily correlates hold up ratio H, dimensionless time parameter
"£"_ representing solid feed rate and u/u , for superficial gas velocities
higher than 2. 5 u^f.
The trend of the variation of hold up ratio remains the same for
solid feeds of two or three size combinations. Very sharp cut combina
tion of sizes,however,produced poor fluidization and hold up ratio values
less than unity were observed and lower hold up ratio values were found
in comparison to mixed feeds of two particle sizes only.
The effect of different mean residence time for different size
particles in fluidized beds is explained by proposing a model which
postulates that the low velocity of air near the enclosing wall results in
the formation of two thin boundary layers. The boundary layer close to
the enclosing wall was richer in small size particles and the second
layer next to the first boundary layer was slightly richer in large size
particles. The thickness of two boundary layers was affected by the formation
of large bubbles and by slugging in the bed. With the help of the
model, the effect of various parameters on the hold up ratios is explained.
The vertical baffles produce smooth fluidization and the radial
gradients of the particles of different sizes were not significantly in
fluenced by the presence of vertical baffles. The horizontal baffles
with smaller openings and close spacings resulted in the segregation
of larger particles at the bottom and hold up ratios less than unity were