Hard coatings of transition metal nitride materials (TiN, CrN, TiSiN, CrSiN, etc) are
used in tribological applications due to their remarkable physical and mechanical properties
such as high hardness, high melting point, excellent wear resistance, chemical inertness, and
good thermodynamic stability. Development of hard coatings with superior tribological
properties, through various physical and chemical vapor deposition techniques, is ever growing
to provide protection and extend service life of the equipments/components used in the actual
engineering applications such as in machining and forming tools.
The fabrication of transition metal nitride coatings such as CrN, CrSiN, and CrAIN with
desirable microstructural characteristics in terms of grain size, crystallographic orientations,
lattice defects, and surface morphology as well as phase composition is very important in
realizing the improved tribological properties hitherto unachieved in the literature. It- is possible
only through the thorough understanding of the influence of process variables, in the
physical/chemical vapor deposition techniques, used for the fabrication of hard coatings.
Although literature is available on sputter deposited Cr based transition metal nitride coatings,
there is no single processing window with the optimized process conditions for achieving the
desired microstructural morphology of the hard coatings, probably due to ' their high
sensitivity/complexity of the environmental factors manifested in the vacuum chamber
employed in various physical vapor deposition techniques. Therefore, it is essential to
investigate the influence of sputtering process parameters for achieving the desirable
microstructural characteristics with enhanced tribological properties in Cr based metal nitrides
coatings. The main objectives of the present work were i) To synthesize CrN, CrSiN, and
CrAIN coatings on stainless steel and Si substrates by DC/RF magnetron sputtering technique,
ii) To study the effect of various sputtering process parameters on the phase formation and
microstructural characteristics of these coatings by XRD, FE-SEM/EDS, and AFM, and iii) To
measure the mechanical and tribological properties of CrN, CrSiN, and CrAIN by
microhardness, nanoindenter, and pin-on-disc tribotester, respectively. A detailed description
of the present work is presented in seven Chapters and it is briefly discussed below.
Chapter 1 gives an overview of hard coatings and nanostructured coatings. The growth
mechanisms, structural properties of films, and mechanical properties of nanostructured