The Indian paper industries are using bleaching sequences where chlorine is a predominant
bleaching chemical. As a consequence the bleach plants have become a major source o f
environmental pollution contributing to high chloroganics release with high BOD, COD, AOX,
color loads, various organic & inorganic compounds. There have been continuous efforts to
minimize their generation, during pulp bleaching.
The enzyme pre-bleaching is one of such option, which is expected to decrease the bleach
chemical demand and the chloroorganics load in the pulp and paper m ill effluent. The xylanase is
also considered as bleach boosting enzyme. It can be successfully used as a pre-bleaching step
with existing conventional, ECF and TCF sequences.
The aim of the present work is to look at enzyme pre-bleaching of pulps followed by
bleaching. Though several studies using various xylanases have been carried out for pre-bleaching
hardwood and softwood pulps, the data for non wood pulps is quite scanty.
It is not apparent how xylanase enhances the bleaching of pulp, as xylan-degrading enzyme
is not expected to act directly on residual lignin. It is not clear how the enzymatic process works due
to variable response o f different pulping and bleaching parameters. Xylanase may act by
hydrolyzing xylan present on the pulp in different forms. Moreover, the mechanical. strength
properties o f enzyme pretreated hardwood & softwood pulps also give contradicting, results for
different enzymes. Very little data is available on agricultural residue pulps, which are important in
Indian context due to decreasing wood resources. Very few researchers worked on wild species o f
sugar cane which can be very useful to conserve wood resource. Specific analysis for the above
parameters is necessary and the results have to be carefully quantified to give more flexibility in
xylanase pretreatment technology o f the pulp.
Both the pulps, non-oxygen mixed hardwood and bagasse, were bleached to a target
brightness o f 85% ISO using different bleaching sequences i.e. DED, D50/C50ED and ODED.
Results o f mixed hardwood pulp indicate that total bleach chemical consumption for different
sequences followed the order DED>D5o/CsoED >ODED. BOD and COD also follow the same order
but the AOX is lowest for ODED sequence and the highest for D50/C50ED sequence. The
substitution o f chlorine by chlorine dioxide reduces the AOX values of the effluent, the BOD and the
COD values increase and the strength properties are comparable for all the three sequence, though
the D50/C50ED sequence shows the lowest strength properties. The minimum drop in viscosity
was found in DED while maximum was observed in D50/C50ED mixed hardwood pulp. Bagasse
pulp also shows similar behavior with regard to bleach chemical consumption, BOD, COD, AOX
and strength properties as observed with mixed hardwood pulp. Bleached mixed hardwood pulp is
stronger than bleached bagasse pulp o f same brightness when bleached with same bleach
chemical sequence. The pollution load o f bagasse pulp bleached with different sequences was more
compared to pollution load of mixed hardwood pulp from similar sequence.
The mixed hardwood pulp is more responsive to oxygen delignification than bagasse
pulp. The oxygen delignified DED bleached mixed hardwood pulp of 85% brightness (medium
brightness) required 48.45% less bleach chemicals compared to the non-oxygen pulp. The BOD,
COD and the AOX values of the combined effluents were also substantially lower. The mechanical
strength properties showed no change at the same level of beating. The oxygen delignified bagasse
pulp showed similar behavior as oxygen delignified mixed hardwood pulp at medium brightness
levels.. Bleaching o f oxygen, delignified bleached, pulps using ,OD5o/C5oEpD, sequence yields pulp,
which is weaker in comparison to oxygen delignified DED bleached pulp for both the raw
materials. The BOD, COD and the AO X o f the combined effluents were higher for D5o/C5oEpD
sequence. The higher values o f environmental parameters and higher pulp degradation observed
with OD5o/C5oEpD bleached pulps is due to longer bleaching sequences required to reach 90%
brightness than, 85% observed with DED sequence.
Oxygen*delignified bleached mixed hard pulp>is a stronger pulp, than \ bleached.bagasse .
pulp o f same brightness when bleached w ith sim ilar bleaching sequence for both medium and
high brightness levels. The range o f drop in viscosity of bagasse pulp 7.7 -17.30% was observed.
The minimum drop was observed in enzyme pre-treated DED sequence and maximum was in
OD50/C50EPD sequence. The pollution load o f bagasse pulps bleached with different sequences
was more compared to pollution load o f the mixed hardwood pulp from similar sequences.
The enzyme pre-bleaching is possible fo r both mixed hardwood and bagasse pulps with
and without oxygen delignification. The optimized conditions o f enzymes pre-bleaching are
different for different pulps. Oxygen delignified pulps required lower enzyme dose compared to
their respective non-oxygen pulps.
There is a substantial decrease in bleach chemical consumption to obtain 85%
brightness pulp (medium) brightness, the order o f effectiveness o f enzyme pretreatment on
mixed hardwood pulp is DED>ODED>D5o/CsoED. The bleaching behavior o f enzymatic
prebleached bagasse pulp is quite different from enzymatic pre-bleached mixed hardwood
AOX value o f combined effluent for both the pulps, show a decrease of 23 - 42% for
different bleaching sequences. The BOD, COD and BOD/COD o f combined effluents are higher
for enzyme pretreated pulps compared to non treated pulps. The enzymepretreated bleached
pulps show marginal increase in tensile, tear and burst index at same target brightness. The
impact o f enzymatic pretreatment on bleach chemical consumption o f oxygen delignified
pulps of medium brightness is more compared to the respective non oxygen pulps but the
impact is lower for high brightness pulp. The BOD, COD and AOX values follow the same
trend as non oxygen pulps i.e. decrease in AOX, increase in BOD, COD and BOD/COD ratio
with minor change in mechanical strength at the same level o f beating .The results are
comparable with the results reported in the literature. The AOX load in XDso/CsoEpD bleached
bagasse pulp is 30% reduced in comparison to control pulp.
The above studies clearly indicate the effectiveness o f xylanase pre-bleaching^of mixed
hardwood pulp and bagasse pulps not only as a means for improving environmental perfqYni/nance of.
bleach plants but also have significant reduction in bleach chemical consumption with marginal
increase in strength properties.
Many researchers have worked on xylanase and reported the potential and benefits o f
xylanase aided bleaching. Experiments were planned to systematically evaluate howixylanase
acts in pre-bleaching to elucidate the mechanism o f xylanase aided bleaching o f non .,o|ygen and
oxygen delignified mixed hardwood and baggase pulps. ‘ ,
It is already reported in literature that xylanase tends to hydrolyze surface xylan and remove
hexeneuronic acid more due to its higher accessibility. The effectiveness of xylanase aided bleaching
is relatively higher in oxygen-delignified pulp where part o f xylan and lignin could have been
redistributed to the outer fiber surface. This is also confirmed by reduced pentosan, content that
showed that xylanase hydrolyze the xylan. As reported in literature, it.has been observed that after
enzyme pretreatment, color o f effluent shows the xylanase attack on chromophoric groups. It
is further confirmed by a minor decrease in kappa number, presence o f lignin in enzyme pretreated
effluents (infrared spectroscopy) and increase in UV absorbing materials detected (measuring
absorbance at 280° A). The increase of color o f the effluent with decrease in kappa number correlates
well with stronger lignin peaks detected in infrared spectrum, more UV absorbing material and
higher reducing sugars in enzyme pretreated effluents. No change or marginal change in tensile index
in enzyme pretreated pulps suggests that enzyme does not cause a change in fiber bonding. This is
further confirmed by retaining o f peaks associated with cellulose in enzyme pretreated pulps by
infrared spectroscopy. The water retention value, which is a measure o f fiber swelling, shows a
sharp increase in enzyme pretreated bleached (beaten) pulp suggesting that the enzyme causes fiber
swelling. The infrared and UV spectroscopy studies also indicate xylanase attack on LCC or ligninhemi-
cellulose bond.
The substitution D50/C50ED bleaching o f chemical mixed hardwood and bagasse pulps
show that the environmental loads particularly with regard to AOX are high. The modified bleaching
sequences (Dso/CsoEpD) in some cases meet the AOX stipulations but they are found to be
economically at a disadvantage.
The enzyme pre-bleaching using xylanase is effective in reducing bleach chemical demand in
all cases with reduced AOX loads and increased BOD and COD loads. The environmental and
economical evaluation shows that enzyme pre-bleaching with sequences like D50/C50ED can be
The response o f enzymatic pre-bleaching to oxygen delignified mixed hardwood and
bagasse, pulps were found , to be positive with reduction in bleach chemical demand and
associated reduction in AOX loads. However adoption o f these options w ill require addition
o f costly oxygen delignification step. The cost advantages in such cases may. be obtained if
pulp is bleached to, higher brightness levels (90% ISO). Bleaching o f oxygen delignified
enzyme, pre-bleached pulps show that bleaching sequence like D50/C50ED was effective for
both mixed hardwood and bagasse pulps though the magnitude o f brightness gain becomes
smaller with high pulp brightness, there remain a potential for chemical savings (10 %).
The experiments on mechanism o f xylanase pre-bleaching clearly show that surface
xylan is not the sole, target substrate for xylanase. Enzyme seems to be attacking the lignin
carbohydrate complex (LCC) or is hydrolyzing the bond between lignin and hemicellulose and
does not cause a major change in fiber