Patna region, the state capital region of Bihar, characterized by good soil, adequate rainfall, favourable hydrological profile, water resources, and moderate climatic conditions, has high agricultural production potential. Yet, its agricultural productivity and processing is very low, resulting in higher degree of poverty, unemployment, and overall deprivation in the region. In fact, the Patna region or the entire Bihar state represents the heart of the great Indo-Gangetic Plains-one of the most fertile plains of the world. But, enigmatically, this plain continues to be "rich State inhabited by poor people". The untapped production reservoir of the State must, therefore, be harnessed judiciously, not only to liberate the State from its socioeconomic and ecological glooms, but also to trigger the process of strengthening of the "Greatest Living Industry" of the nation. The world experience suggests that agriculture sector has been the pre-cursor of economic growth process. Patna region cannot be an exception. It's time to let prosperity be ushered in the region by bringing another farm revolution and agro-industrial development.
The Patna region with a geographical area of 16.96 thousand square km is divided by river Sone into two unequal parts and lies in South Bihar Alluvial Plains, Agro-Climatic Zone III (based on soil characterization, rainfall, temperature and terrain) of Bihar. River Ganga creates boundary on North side of the region, which flows from West to East.
The percentage of working population employed in agricultural operations in Bihar is estimated to be 85%, which is much higher than the national average. About 42 per cent of GDP of the state (2004-05) has been from accrued agriculture sector (including forestry and fishing). The growth rate of Bihar's GSDP during 2004-09 was 11.03% which made it the second fastest growing state in India, just behind Gujrat (growth rate-11.05%). This growth rate is needed to be maintained or increased for achieving the development goals of the region. Two third of the total land area of Patna region is used for agricultural purpose. High concentration of population, largely dependent on agriculture coupled with low agro-industrial development, is main reason for high poverty ratio in the region. The major crops produced in the region are paddy, wheat, pulses, potato, sugarcane and oil seeds. Fruits like, Mango, Guava, & Lichi, and Vegetables production is good in terms of quantity and quality. Sudha, a dairy cooperative, is a shinning and one of the most successful enterprises of its kind in India. The State with the abundance of water bodies has very high potential for fisheries
and aquaculture, but it has not been fully realized till today. Livestock is also a major resource in this region.
Despite the strength of the agriculture sector, it is a paradox that this sector is much below than potential. Agriculture productivity in Bihar was much better, compared to other states in fifties, which is now much below the national average. In last two years, there has been an appreciable growth, due to improved seeds, technologies and inputs, but the state has to go miles to achieve responsive agriculture and agro based industrial development. This would need infrastructure, technology and other inputs. R&D has a vital role to play. There is need of Agro-industrial development of the region to minimizing the huge wastage of agricultural products and employment generation within the region which will not only ensure the proper utilization of region's resources including human resource but also help in minimizing the pressure on other urban centres outside the region, which have their own acute problems of traffic congestion, in migration, housing shortage, slum formation, water scarcity etc.
Rural industries have major role in Indian economy due to scarcity of capital; unemployment; regional imbalances and disparities; inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth; un-utilization and/or under-utilization of rural resources. This study analyses the potential of rural industrialization and their impact using system approach, based on resource availability in untapped areas of Patna region. This study aims at analyzing the present scenario and forecasting the production and demand in future using survey research techniques and Input-Output model. Based on these analyses, the location and type of rural industries have been identified on the map of the Patna region (SHEET No. 8). This study proposes planning model to ensure sustainable development in the system by imparting rural industrialization in the study area.