Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, generating economy as well as employment opportunities for the local people. Many small and large scale industries are dependent on tourism. People travel to various places for various reasons, hence generated many different forms of tourism.
This report presents the study and analysis of one of such place which requires to be developed as a tourist place to increase the tourist inflow and in turn contribute to the conservation off the heritage sites, the water bodies and overall development of the town.
Review of literature related to tourism has been done, inferences brought out from the same is given in this chapter. The case studies with similar characteristics as that of the study area, Ramtek had been studied. Introduction to tourism planning in these areas has been given in this chapter and inferences from the same have been sorted out. These inferences will help in planning for the tourism of the concerned case study-Ramtek.
Development plan of Ramtek has been studied to find out the present condition of infrastructure, demography, landuse and overall development. To find out the overall demand and supply to the town of various infrastructure, and dependency of tourism upon this infrastructure, analysis of the same has been done and inferences has been worked out which will help in further process of planning for the development of the town as a tourist destination.
Forth chapter includes tourist places having potential to attract inflow of tourists if developed, in and around Ramtek. There are 4 tourist spots within Municipal limit of Ramtek and 3 others outside Ramtek. These 3 are taken into consideration as tourists coming to Ramtek may cover these spots as well on the way. The water bodies present within the municipal limit of Ramtek can be conserved, rejuvenated and developed to be a tourist spots as
most of them are on the way to Garh Mandir, the tourist spot of prime importance.
Fifth chapter of Analysis throws light upon the analysis of the data collected. 100 tourist surveys have been done, 40 at Garh mandir, and 20 each at Jain Temple, Kalidasa Memorial and Ambala Lake. Based on the survey done, and secondary data collected, analysis has been done to find out the present condition of infrastructure provision, supply and demand of the present and future. Demand has been projected to year 2021 and 2031.
The proposal has been made on the basis of data collected and analyzed in the previous chapters. A comprehensive solution has been found
out to give a solution to the development plan for year 2021 and 2031.