Shelter is basic need of human life. Urban India has always struggled with issue of providing sufficient housing stock in accordance with demand. This shortage of housing in metropolitan cities can be resolved by rental housing. As a large proportion of households in current market situation are unable to own a house, it will take considerable time to provide them ownership houses. Also, many households prefer rental accommodation due the stage in life cycle or nature of their migrant status and employment in the city. Hence a healthy mix of tenures is needed for sustainable development of cities.
The study has been divided into six chapters; the chapter 1 involves the background and importance of Rental Housing. Chapter 2 focus on the understanding the processes of rental housing markets to all sector employees within the middle and low income range within the formal and legal housing market of metropolitan cities. It attempts to develop an understanding of this market: what factors affects the choice of tenure, diversity of rental housing to capture the nature of rental agreements, various types of suppliers, various nature of accommodation, legality, landlord tenant relationships. Chapter 3 reviews programmes and policies of rental housing in other countries and India based on literature reviews. Chapter 4 broadly discuss the structure and suppliers of rental housing in NCT Delhi. Chapter 5 is the analysis stage, where the demand assessment is done on based of field surveys on Delhi's rental housing market. The present situation of Delhi is analysed from two surveys, the collection of data from secondary sources of media and primary survey conducted through questionnaire.
Based on the issues and analysis, Chapter 6 aims to formulate strategies and guidelines for increasing the stock and availability of rental in NCT Delhi and can also be applicable to the metropolitan cities phasing similar situation.
This study suggests there is a need for a range of rental options for different types of migrants including migrants with family, single migrants and floating population.