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Vernacular buildings evolve over a long period of time and suite themselves to that particular region and its climate. On the other hand, most of the modern buildings are not that sensitive to the micro climate and usually the designs and the techniques used are not particular for that region. Because of this the comfort inside the building has to be mechanically balanced and this leads to higher energy consumption compared to the vernacular buildings of that area. So it is important to study the vernacular architecture of that area and understand the underlying concepts in order to attain thermal comfort in a natural way.
This dissertation aims in identifying the potential of vernacular residential buildings with respect to climate responsiveness and apply them in the present urban housing context; particularly in Kerala. To achieve this, first an understanding of the climate of Kerala and its characteristics is developed. The methodology is framed after the literature review and focuses on achieving the architectural means to attain the thermal comfort objectives inside the building through study and analysis of appropriate case studies.
Study of literature helped in understanding the principles of design and construction in a region neighbouring to Kerala, having same type of climate.
Further, a study area of Kerala vernacular residences is selected. Warm humid zones of Kerala, in particular were chosen for this study and they lie in the midlands and lowlands. Amongst these only the Central part of Kerala was selected, the vernacular buildings of that region were studied in detail, which is typical for the hot humid zones of Kerala. Three courtyard houses from Thrissur district and three row house communities from Palakkad district were selected for the study. Detailed surveys were done for each building on various aspects. Questionnaire surveys were conducted in the row houses to know the users' response. The data collected after each survey was analysed in detail on the basis of thermal comfort and inferences were arrived upon. From the study it was found that between vernacular buildings and contemporary ones, vernacular residences are more climate responsive. Further on comparing courtyard houses and row houses, the latter were found to be responding better to the climate. Following many such inferences
from the different studies, guidelines were framed for site planning and design of low rise (up to 4 storeys) and medium density (Net dwelling density of 120-180 dwelling units/hectare or gross dwelling density of 75-120 dwelling units/hectare) row houses in the present modern urban housing scenario, and the application of it is done at the site planning level. |
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