The environmental, social and visual contributions that green roofs can make towards sustainable living in high-density cities are widely acknowledged worldwide. Green roof is one such sustainable approach, use of which helps us in insulating the buildings and, thereby contributing to better energy efficient performance of the building. Green roofs also provide habitat to different species, reduce the rainwater runoff and better manage the carbon-dioxide cycle. Despite these benefits, 'Green roofs' are not as common a feature in India as they are in other European and American cities. In this dissertation an effort has been made to sensitize about the advantages of this technology in India.
The dissertation has extensively dealt with literature survey in Chapter 2 on origin of green roof, its benefits and constraints for the community and private sectors. A description of the climatic conditions and other environmental factors affecting the application of green roof, latest international, regional concepts, and approaches, including policies on green roofs is discussed.
Chapter 3 critically reviews green roof types in different setting and with different purpose to assess the current context of the same in India. The objective of the Study in Chapter 4 is to conduct a quick review of the composite climate zone in India and its characteristics. In later part of this chapter, latest concepts on green roof, material specifications, maintenance consideration has been detailed out with an objective of analyzing cost factor for green roof in India.
Discussion about the potential location for green roofs in New Delhi as a case and prevalent roof type scenarios in Indian context has been elaborated in Chapter 5. In this chapter, potential areas for green roof opportunities are identified, drawn and elucidated with the help of illustrations. Through this, technical constraints, uncertainty and risks are identified for application potential of green roof for composite climate in India.
This dissertation is summarized by evaluating a wide spectrum of building typologies in terms of criteria like economic viability, sustainability, acceptability, durability, adaptability, suitability (climatic), maintenance, affordability, aesthetics etc., to arrive at an 'Appropriateness Matrix' and Guidelines for the available green roof technologies and policies recommendation for select area in India..