Growth and development are continuous process, which alters the original shape of a city. Today we are living in the third world, an aftermath of many growth, development and decay process or in a single word "A big transformed world".
The rapid growth of population leading to rapid urbanization further leading to enforcing cities to change their function and leading to birth of many new cities.
Most of the growth takes place around the existing centers, because these centers are already developed and planning the new settlement around these will be less costly than the creation of an entire new center.
The problem is even more complex when we have to plan for the development of newly selected capital city, and a growing metropolis, as it will require development approach over a long period of time and a large no. of diverse range of variables.
This Thesis describes the transformation that the Ranchi city has witnessed from being the summer Capital of Bihar state to becoming the state Capital of Jharkhand state. The Thesis also explores the various factors which influenced its development and the outcome in the form of present structure of the city and future growth potentials.
After the study of current scenario and growth trends, the need of a new Capital city "Greater Ranchi" is justified for the further growth and development of this region. A comprehensive land use plan and the development control policies have been proposed for the new capital town.