While walking on the street we are surrounded by media that provides us information about the environment. Street graphics is one of the extremely important form of this media, which includes private hoarding, signboards, traffic sign etc. These graphics guide us to reach our destination and improve our understanding about surrounding. Graphics does not communicate with people in a usual sense of exchange; rather they inform people about rules, activities and occurrence of various kinds.
Graphics in present scenario are seen as elements, which sadly disfigure the urban environment. On street, the observer is often overloaded by number of graphics competing for his attention and his privacy violated by advertising graphics which are irrelevant to his purposes. Often, useful or even essential information is missing; more often information is presented confusingly. There are many more problems that an observer is facing, on street, because of improper design and placement of graphics.
The thesis is an attempt to understand the problems related with these graphics through visual survey, case studies etc. Analyzing the importance of graphics in today's competitive world and to make graphics not just stucco elements but an integral part of our urbanization process by drawing up proper design guidelines.