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dc.contributor.author Falah, Sabah Al-kubaisy
dc.date.accessioned 2014-09-10T05:49:43Z
dc.date.available 2014-09-10T05:49:43Z
dc.date.issued 1989
dc.identifier Ph.D en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/65
dc.guide Kumar, Rattan
dc.description.abstract In an Islamic City the traditional Medina is virtually a historic entity - a reservoir of social milieu and cultural heritage. However, its destruction appears to be imminent due to the short sighted commercial developments and traffic that are making heavy inroads into the Medina . Since Medina enjoys a central location and has a high price tag on its land, temptation is always great to pull down the old residential properties and replace them with a commercial venture. It is done to provide its owner with manifold economic returns than would have been possible otherwise, with scant regard to loss that would be borne by the community in depriving posterity an access to its irreplaceable cultural heritage. This, however, does not imply that Medina districts would remain static and deprived of all development. On the contrary, it is most essential that they be revitalized within the confines of the two extremes of absolute conservation and absolute commercial growth, and development. It is imperative that the inhabitants of the old historic towns be not deprived access to the amenities of modern life. They have an equal right to enjoy the benefits accuring from the modern pace of economic growth and development - made possible by the new found technologies and sciences. It also implies that they should be able to avail opportunities of upward social and economic mobility and convenience of spatial movement to reach their places of work and leisure. These, apparently, diverse requirements of conserving the old and providing for the new, at one and the same time and virtually within the same space is going to be the central theme of this study of this -study. To reveal and illustrate that the rich inheritance of , with its mixture of glorious residential quarters, the interwoven shopping streets and civic ammenities, is still amenable integration with the emerging needs of the modern day life, at the level of the Home and Neighbourhood, town' in Iraq would be deployed. to specially the example of 'NAJAF old This study is basically concerned with the question of protection and planning of historic environment in Iraq, but takes Najaf as a special case study to focus on conservation in more detail, and seeking to throw ideas and proposals for Urban Renewal Plan for Najaf Old Town. Najaf was chosen not only because it contains some of the most valuable buildings and areas of cultural interest in the country but, more important, because relative to other cities, its heritage is believed to be in greater danger and loss. Because conservation is a relatively recent development in Iraq, the study also endeavours to develop an understanding of its concept as a special form of planning and emphasises both the comprehensiveness of its approach for dealing with total environments as against single buildings and its accommodation for change and continuity of use in contemporary society. This study provides a brief description of the Measures for Urban Design with for Planning Area. Proposed Principle design guidelines for individual zones Urban Design measures are aimed at enhancing the unique around characater of the Old Town. The core area of the Old Town the Holy Shrine has been redesigned to emphasise its role as the heart of Najaf and to reflect the religious and cultural importance of the Shrine. The space outside its wall will be a differentiated mixture of streets, small and larger squares, and arcades under the new building fronts facing the Shrine. In order to retain the valuable dominance of the golden domes on Najaf Skyline, all new buildings have been proposed to be restricted to a maximum height of 12 metres. An Urban Renewal Plan has been propounded incorporating the aforementioned urban design concepts with an over all aim of retaining the general structure of the old town in the form of its present streets and alleys. preservation areas, In certain areas designated as conservation and because these are juxtaposed to important historical buildings, it has been recommeded that renovation, preservation or replacement of buildings should be in conformity with traditional features, elements and proportions to ensure that the environmental flavour of the old town is not destroyed but inhanced. The study concludes with general and specific recommendations on need for greater action and a more approach to protecting, documenting heritage of the nation, the creation carry out the proposed Urban Renewal allocation of funds and the training of of work. the systematic and comprehensive and enhancing the cultural of conservation authority to Plan, the need for greater staff for this specialist type en_US
dc.language.iso en. en_US
dc.subject URBAN RENEWAL en_US
dc.subject NAJAF en_US
dc.subject IRAQ en_US
dc.type Doctoral Thesis en_US
dc.accession.number 179834 en_US

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