On the other hand planners have been concerned with strategy and regional economic policy more than planning for physical environment at a local level which is equally essential. As a result our urban public places have become a collage of unrelated projects having variety of unrelated elements. Our cities are end product of unselfconscious designs lacking consistency, order, and unity.
What is important today is that urban design and urban planning should be directed towards important social factors giving rise to a built environment that contributes towards the development and satisfaction of urban man.
A common observation is that the existing architectural controls and building bye laws under which every development and construction agency operates, are often devoid of even the most rudimentary elements of aesthetic visualizations (3), thereby resulting in the destruction of essential qualities of built environment. These development controls although powerful design tools are not geared to satisfy the essential environmental concerns for example there is no regulation (4),
• That insists on creation of delightful public places.
• To preserve and protect special vistas.
• That insists on good sidewalk design.
• To achieve a good balance of unity and diversity.