People’s im pression o f a building, a particular environm ent, or a w hole city,
are, o f course, m ore than visual* Within the city lies m any connotations, mem ories,
experiences, smell, hopes, crowds, places, buildings, various activities and the
dram a o f life and death, affecting each person according to his particular predictions.
From his environm ent each person construct his own m ental picture of the parts of
the city in physical relationship to one another.
Every w ork of Architecture affects the details and often the w hole of the
collective im age. T he collective m ental picture - the im age of the city or area is
largely form ed by m any work o f A rchitecture seen in a space.
In fact the essence o f the urban environm ent lies In voids or spaces o f town
and cities are treated with respect and lined with buildings o f different uses which
contribute to the character and life o f the spaces, spaces further em phasized by the
kind of A rchitecture which not only generates these voids but also nourishes them
with adequate space, scale and visual qualities. Presum ably it is the quality o f
architecture which defines the qualities of space enclosed by it.
This is so because the identification of space literally depends upon the
physical placem ent of architecturally conceived m asses in juxtaposition to each
other with regard to utilitarian aspects.