In the first chapter, what is a pumped storage scheme and how it is important for the system to solve its peaking problem is explained 4th a typical daily load curve. Further how the system reliability is improved in comparison with other types of generation and intergrid system has been explained.
2. In the second chapter the historical' devo .Lptionts of pumped storage plant from its humble beginning in 1882 as a pumping station with reciprocating pump to the latest plan-' ning of ZOO I .tl. pumped storage plants with reversible machines has been traced. Further the two basic types of pumped storage developments viz; i) pure pumped storage and ii) mixed type pumped storages has been explained . lou the economy of power house construction effected by three machine unit and two machine unit with reference to vertical and horizontal shaft setting has been discussed. The necessity of going in for underground power house construction and its advantages over the other types of power house layouts in case of pumped storage due to the deeper setting required for modern large capacity units have also been explained in this chapter.