Approximate or closed - form solutions are available for the problem of seepage below the hydraulic structures founded on homogeneous and isotropic medium with various boundary conditions. But mostly the foundation met with
below hydraulic structure is rarely homogeneous and isotropic. Anisotropy , stratification and non homogeneity to some degree or the other are common characters of foundation below hydraulic structures . The occurrence of pervious founda-tions of finite depth is also a common feature.
In this dissertation an attempt has been made to
review critically the effect of (1) finite depth of pervious medium (2) stratification (3) Anisotropy and (4) Non-homogeneity on the uplift pressures below the structure, exit ' gradient and seepage discharges.
The effect of finite depth of pervious medium on' uplift pressures (1) below the floor (2) at junction of
floor A cut off and (3) at tip of cut off has been reviewed. Also the effect of downstream' scour depth on uplift press-ures and exit gradient in the case of an apron (floor) with downstream end cut off has been studied