In the present thesis an attempt has been made to study
three dimensional compressible boundary layer flows. The study
of compressible boundary layer flow is very important because
of its direct application in various practical fields. The
unsteady compressible boundary layers play a vital role in
the stability of missiles and reentry vehicles. Small
fluctuations of the angle of attack, gas injection through the
skin, perturbation of temperature and its gradient,vibrations
of the vehicle are few boundary layer phenomena that may have
catastrophic effects on the stability of the body. Such boundary
layer phenomena have been studied quite extensively in flutter,
helicopter blades, turbomachinery cascades etc.
The study of the two dimensional unsteady incompressible
boundary layers was initiated by Lighthill [l] and subsequently
extended by Rott and Rosenzweig [2], Lam and Rott [3], Ackerberg
and Phillips [if] and Brown and Stewartson [5,6]. In these studies,
the unsteadiness is due to the small fluctuation in the velocity
of the main stream. Sarma [8] studied the compressible boundary
layers with arbitrary Prandtl number, unsteadiness being due to
the perturbations in the temperature or temperature gradient
or velocity in the main stream or velocity of the wall.
The present thesis deals with the flows past yawed cylinders.
The following problems have been investigated in detail.
(1) Heat transfer when the temperature gradient at the wall is
(2) Heat transfer when the temperature at the wall is prescri
bed and less than that of the main stream (Cooled wall).
(3) Heat transfer when the prescribed temperature at the wall
is greater than that of the main stream (Heated wall).
In the present work Stewartson transformation [9] has been
applied to elliminate density variable unlike Sarma [8] who has
applied Howarth transformation. In general the equations are not
exactly transformed to incompressible form but to an almost incom
pressible form because of the presence of the
(a) Mach number
(b) Prandtl number
(c) Viscosity - temperature law
(d) general boundary conditions.
For a detailed study of the flow the differential equations
are linearized by the technique suggested by Lightfaill [l]. They
are later on solved by assuming a series solutions in powers of
Mach number. The mathematical technique adopted is perturbation
methods and asymptotic solutions.
The present thesis is divided into five chapters. In
Chapter I, an analytical study of three dimensional oscillatory
compressible laminar boundary layer flow past infinite yawed
cylinders which are kept at a given temperature gradient is
made. The temperature gradient at the wall oscillatory in time
is assumed to be perturbed about a zero mean. General analysis
is given to study the effects of (1) compressibility (2) the
shape of the cylinder (3) the orientation of the cylinder (if)
the Prandtl number (5) the prescribed heat transfer at the wall,
on the behaviour of the temperature and skin friction components.
The equations are first subjected to Stewartson transformation
and then linearised as by Lighthill [l]« And finally following
Sarma [8] and Ackerberg and Phillips [hi asymptotic and composite
solutions are found for small and large frequencies.
In Chapter II a numerical study of the behaviours of tem
perature and skin friction coefficients with dimensionless freq
uency parameter has been made for small and large frequencies.
For small frequencies numerical solutions are obtained by fourth
order Runge-Kutta method. The main difficulty met in the numeri
cal analysis is that all the boundary values are not defined
either at zero or at infinity. This difficulty is overcome by
the method suggested by Reshotko and Beckwith [15] in which the
unknown boundary values are adjusted iteratively. In the other
method given by Moore [16] this difficulty is overcome by
spilliting two point problem into two single point problems.
Assuming that the flow in the X,Y-plane defined by the Stewartson
variables [9] is just a flow past a wedge shaped cylinder, three
distinct problems are studied in detail (1) yawed flat plate
(2) yawed wedge with an included angle being equal to a right
angle (3) yawed flat plate with a stagnation point. The beha
viours of the magnitudes and the tangent of the arguments of
the temperature at the wall and the skin friction coefficients
are represented graphically.
In Chapter III, an analytical study of three dimensional
oscillatory compressible laminar boundary layer flow past infi
nite yawed cylinders which are kept at a given temperature is
made. The temperature at the wall cscillatory in time is assumed
to be perturbed about a steady mean. General analysis is given
to study the effects of (1) compressibility (2) the shape of
the cylinder (3) the orientation of the cylinder (If) the
Prandtl number and (5) the prescribed temperature at the wall
on the behaviour of the temperature gradient and skin friction
components. The mathematical technique adopted for solutions of
differential equations was same as in Chapter I.
In Chapter IV, based on the analytical study described in
Chapter III, a numerical study of the problem when the prescribed
temperature at the wall is less than that of the main stream
(Cooled wall) is presented. The numerical technique adopted in
this study has been described in Chapter II. Three distinct
problems are studied in detail (1) yawed flat plate (2) yawed
wedge with an included angle of 90° (3) yawed flat plate with
a stagnation point. The results of these studies have been
tabulated and represented graphically.
In Chapter V, the problem of heated wall ie when the
prescribed temperature at the wall is greater than that of the
main stream is analysed. As in Chapter IV three different
problems are investigated in detail.
Die graphs presented in Chapters II, IV and Vshow that
in some of the cases the curves for small and large frequencies
do net join smoothly but only show a tendency to join. This
may be an indication that there may be some eigen solutions
similar to those given by Brown and Stewartson [5,6] but no
attempt has been made to model out these complicated eigen
solutions in the present thesis. However it is felt that this
study would be very important and interesting.