The two main components in the design of an irrigation canal are design of canal cross section and the design of canal fall. It is important to design the canal and canal falls integrally. In. the present work a computer code is developed which includes twelve different methods of canal design. These design methods are basically divided into two categories, namely, design methods for lined canal and unlined canal. The design methods for unlined canals are further subdivided in two categories depending upon whether the canal sediment transport capacity is specified or unspecified. The developed computer program is based on the integrated approach to design a canal. The canal cross section design of canal fall and the determination of the best canal alignment is done in a single program. Flexibility is provided for the user to design the canal, taking one reach at a time or to design a number of reaches with or without providing canal falls in between. The user may give a number of canal routes and can select the best route out of these feasible routes by comparing the cost of different routes.