A multistoryed building frame consists of a rectangular gridwork of columns and beams In space.The lateral loads on the structure are produced by wind action and earthquake. Under the action of wind forces and earthquake forces acting in the transverse and longitudinal direction of the building,the whole -building frame acts as one, integral unit. When the conditions of the frame are fairly uniform from one plane frame idealised in the longitudinal direction to the other i.e idealised in the transverse direction, it Is easy and reasonable to analyse the forces and moments in the plane frames taken seperately in the directions of the building rather than in the form of an integral space frame.
Though the phenomena of wind and earthquakes are dynamic in nature, 'the force produced by these actions can be reduced to static loads in an approximate analysis. Exact methods which may be employed by using vast number of unknowns are i-n most cases considered as time consuming and impractical for' preliminary dimensioning in design offices. .A number-of approximate methods have been developed for the- analysis:mof multistorey framed structures. These methods take Into account various characteristics of the structures and yield approximate but reliable results for most of the cases met in practice.
The present work addresses the analysis of idealised plane frames which have been analysed by some of the approximate methods as well as by the stiffness matrix method. All the dimensions and the lateral loadings used in different methods are same. The results obtained by the various approximate metods have been compared with the results of the stiffness matrix method