Creep is the designation of slow deformation, which
occurs in many materials within certain ranges of stress
and temperature. In every day experience metals are known
as firm sdids. When a piece of metal is loaded by small
forces, it will deform elastically. This means that the
piece will regain its original shape, when the load is
removed. This deformation process is independent of time in
the sense that a certain force causes a certain instantaneous
deformation that remains constant as long as the force remains
In some metals, the deformation is found to proceed
at a certain slow rate. When unloaded, these metals show an
instantaneous reverse deformation followed by a slow recovery
of part of the remaining deformation. Such time-dependent
deformation is termed CREEP. Experience shows that the pheno
menon is strongly temperature-dependent, the creep rates
increasing markedly with rising temperature.
In many sectors of modern technology high temperatures
are present and even aimed at. The thermal efficiency of a
heat power-machine or plant rises with the temperature of the
heat source. A study of temperatures employed in steam power
plants shows a steady temperature increase during the last two
hundred years. Many chemical processes, such as cracking in
oil refinery, require high temperatures in addition to high
pressures*, parts of nuclear power reactors operate at very
high temperature*, in supersonic aircraft the adiabatic heating
at leading edges of wings may be very severe*, and, in space
vehicles the heating caused during reentry may be enormous.
At such high temperatures, the creep deformation would occur.
The presence of creep in engineering structures poses
a number of problems to the designer. Pirst, the deformation
caused due to creep may cause malfunctioning of machine
components. Second, the stress distribution in such components
during a creep process is different from that in the elastic
state and may also vary with time. Third, rupture may occur
abruptly after a certain amount of creep deformation has
Although observations of creep deformation had been
reported in the literature of the nineteenth century, the first
methodical study was not published until the early part of
<1>* the twentieth century by Andrade (1910). He investigated
creep in lead wires subjected to deadweight loading at room
temperature. The general character of the creep process from
a macroscopical point of view was established. Subsequent
efforts took two different paths - one aiming at an engineering
theory of creep to be used in design work, the other aiming
at a physical theory capable of describing the creep process
in terms of already established concepts in physios.