New techniques have been employed in seeking
answers to a few complex hydrological problems pertaining
mostly to the state of Uttar Pradesh. The applications have
been made to calculation of floods, rainfall and droughts.
The applied techniques and the derived models are based on
quite new approaches. These comprise mostly the technique
of modelling in the comparatively new field of stochastic
hydrology wherein there has been very little contribution of
a similar nature in India. Other fields which have not been
taken up on a wide scale in hydrology consist of simulation
and sequential generation. The thesis makes practical appli
cation in this field on the basis of Indian data. In the
estimation of storage from reservoirs, numerical solutions
have not been coming forth on the basis of the queueing theory,
Contribution has been made in this field from two approaches
including that based on the theory of queues.
The hydrologic problems handled consist of flood
flows, rainfall, droughts, reservoir storage. In the field
of flood flows, usual techniques employed by hydrologists and
engineers which are mostly empirical in character and do not
take proper cognizance of catchment or basin characteristics
have been discussed. It has been indicated that mathematical
modelling, as applied to the hydrological problem of flood
flows, based on stochastic processes, is a more rational app
roach. Stochastic probability models have been deduced for
estimating the design flood with three measures of risk, viz.
recurrence interval distribution, encounter probability and
expected recurrence interval, for twenty river sites in India.
Parameters involved in the estimating equation for design
flood, which are not based on empirical co-efficients, are
deduced from the historical data, on account of which greater
rationality has been added in the estimation.
The series of flood peaks which are considered on
a yearly basis have been found to obey the Poisson distribu
tion. The probability mass function of the number of exceedances
or hazard events ( i.e. flood peaks ) has also been
found to follow the Poisson process. The encounter probabi
lity, the expected recurrence interval and the distribution
of the hazard event magnitudes all follow the exponential func
tion. A theoretical basis has thus been provided for the esti
mation of the expected recurrence interval for various levels of
probability. This has been done for the first time in India.
In the next problem of rainfall, which is the princi
pal phenomenon governing floods, basic studies have been
carried out with respect to the series of yearly rainfall
maxima for New Delhi, Lucknow and Allahabad for durations
of 5 and 60 minutes. They have/treated as stochastic pheno
mena obeying the Poisson distribution. Stochastic models
have been derived which may be used for the estimation of
the magnitude of yearly rainfall maxima for any expected
recurrence interval. This is a completely new approach in
the field of rainfall studies. The estimation derived there
from is considered to be more rational in comparison with the
usual empirical methods, as the involved parameters are deri
ved from the recorded data, whose characteristic features are
thereby likely to be reflected more realistically in the
derived models. The degree of the level of risk with respect
to the expected recurrence interval has to be decided in
accordance with the nature of the structure for whose flood
estimation the expected yearly rainfall maxima is required.
Stochastic modelling of rain storms thus provided an aid in
the estimation of flood peaks whose utility in serving timely
warnings and consequential indirect flood protection is well
The next problem taken up has been that of simula
tion and sequential generation of rainfall data, in which
field the applications of this nature are quite uncommon.
The role of the technique is brought out in getting over the
lacuna due to smallness of data. This has been done by incr
easing the size of the data series. In small-sized data, it
is not possible to get an idea of all possible combinations
of sequences which are likely to become more manifest when the
size of the data is increased artificially. The approach is
based on Monte Carlo techniques which have been applied with
respect to the available data pertaining to ten six-hourly
rain storms recorded at Lucknow from 1956 to 1965. By the
application of the sequential generation technique to the
series of first-hourly rainfalls, whose size of the recorded
data is only 10, an artificial series of 100 pseudorandom
numbers has been generated. On the basis of a stochastic pro
bability model, which has been worked out for the estimation
of the second to the sixth hourly rainfalls on the basis of
the first hourly rainfall, it has been possible to generate
the series of rainfalls for subsequent hours. The derived
model has been found to follow a non-stationary Markov process.
It is felt that a new vista has thus been opened out for making
fuller use of usually available small-sized data in a compara
tively new hydrologic field.
The problem taken up next pertains to that of drou
ghts whose significance arises from the enormity of losses
caused by droughts in the sector of agriculture which plays
a vital role in national economy. The utility of the estima
tion of expected droughts with varying recurrence intervals
in minimising the economic losses due to droughts by providing
an aid in planning for taking protective measures has been
explained. The basic character of the series of droughts and
their fundamental differences from those of floods have been
elucidated. Taking the restrictions in the possible distribu
tions of droughts into consideration, studies have been confi
ned to four types of possible standard distributions. It has
been found, after applying a number of tests, that the most
fitting distribution is that of Pearson Type III. The involved
comparative studies with possible distributions in the deriva
tion of the appropriate distribution for the series of droughts
has not been carried out for Indian data so far. Prom the
available historical data for droughts of the Ganga and the
Yamuna rivers, it has been found that both these rivers have
recorded droughts corresponding to an expected recurrence inter
val of 200 years.
The last prohlem taken up is that of storage from
reservoirs wherein the objective is to estimate the safe yield
or storage capacity of a reservoir with a specific level of
probability of failure ( i.e. non-filling or even emptiness of
the reservoir due to failure of rainfall or drought). Whereas
theoretical approaches have been tried for the problem earlier,
numerical solutions and applications have been quite rare. No
work of this nature had been carried with Indian data. This
has been done for the Matatila reservoir on the basis of the
available data, for the period 1962-68, with respect to inflows
and outflows. The storage has been estimated with a level of
probability of 2 per cent. A review has been given regarding
the past methods employed for the estimation of reservoir
storage whose main lacunae have been non-consideration of sam
pling errors, statistical homogeneity and independence and
unrealistic assumption of a constant outflow apart from non
availability of numerical solutions. Two methods have been
considered in some detail for seeking numerical solutions for
the estimation of reservoir storage. This has been done for
the first time tm India. The series of inflows has been found
to obey a lognormal distribution. An estimation has been made
both regarding the draft or the outflow and the storage, emp
loying an equation in which the involved parameters are the
yield and storage ratios and the constants are deducible from
the probability density function of a lognormal distribution.
The estimates for both the draft and thestorage are likely to
be rational and realistic.
The second method used for the estimation of reser
voir storage is based on the queueing theory whose approach
and fundamental characteristics have been explained. Reser
voir storage has been estimated from the service function
following a queueing process. The involved parameters are
deduced from the available recorded data. The estimate
provided for the reservoir storage based on the queueing
theory compares favourably with that obtained by the first
method, based on Monte Carlo techniques.