Sinorhizobium meliloti Rmd201 (Nod+,Fix+,Strr) strain, a derivative of the wild
type strain Rm41, was subjected to random Tn5 mutagenesis with the help of suicide
plasmid pGS9, carrying transposon Tn5. Two thousand and two hundred kanamycin
resistant transconjugants were obtained from crosses between E. coli WA803 (pGS9)
and S. meliloti strain Rmd201. These transconjugants were streaked on minimal
medium and twelve auxotrophs were identified on the basis of their inability to grow in
this medium. Streaking of these auxotrophs on nutritional pools yielded two adenine
auxotrophic mutants. Two adenine+thiamine and eight adenine auxotrophs isolated by
other research workers were also included in further studies.
The positions of blocks in the purine biosynthetic pathway for these auxotrophs
were determined by intermediate feeding and cross feeding studies and based on these
results the purine auxotrophs were divided into four groups as follows: Group (I)
Purine auxotrophs, NV2 and NV24, which require both adenine and thiamine for their
growth and each of these, has a block in the adenine-thiamine pathway before amino
imidazole riboside (AIR). Group (II) Purine auxotrophs, NV10, NV28, and AL7 that
require amino imidazole carboxamide riboside (AICAR) for their growth and each of
these have a block in the adenine pathway before AICAR. Group (III) Purine
auxotrophs, AL3, VK37, VK38, VK40 and RH13 which require inosine or adenine for
their growth and each of these has a block in the adenine pathway before inosine
monophosphate (IMP) and group (IV) Purine auxotrophs, VK27 and RH19, which
require adenine for their growth and each of these, has a block in the pathway before
adenosine monophosphate (AMP).
In order to find out the pleiotropic effects of Tn5 insertions, all purine
auxotrophs were tested for production of exopolysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides,
cellulose fibrils, (3 (1-2) glucans and utilization of dicarboxylic acids. AH these
auxotrophs were found to utilize dicarboxylic acids as a sole carbon source and
produce exopolysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and cellulose fibrils as the parental
strain Rmd201, whereas, these mutants showed less motility in swarm medium than the
parental strain which related to production of (3 (1-2) glucans.
The symbiotic properties of different purine auxotrophs along with the parental
strain 5. meliloti Rmd201 were studied by inoculating them on alfalfa (Medicago
sativa) seedlings grown on nitrogen free agar slants. The nodules induced by the
parental strain Rmd201 were of cylindrical shape and pink in color. The mutants
induced-nodules were round /irregular in shape and white in color. The mean shoot dry
weights and mean shoot high of the plants inoculated with purine auxotrophs did not
differ significantly from those of uninoculated alfalfa plants. These indicate the
ineffectiveness of these mutants in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The ineffectiveness of
these mutants in nitrogen fixation were also reflected by comparing total nitrogen
content of plant inoculated with parental strain and that inculated with purine
auxotrophs. All purine auxotrophs were found to induce root hair deformation and
infection thread formation. The addition of adenine and other intermediates to plant
growth medium did not restore effectiveness in these mutants.
For histological studies, the nodules from six weeks old plants were cut, fixed
and embedded in araldite epoxy resin. Thin and ultrathin sections of nodules were cut
and examined under light and transmission electron microscopes, respectively. The
nodules induced by the parental strain Rmd201 had four zones: meristematic zone,
infection zone, nitrogen fixation zone and senescence zone. Cells of meristematic zone
were found to be typically small and isodiametric in shape. This region was devoid of
rhizobia. A network of infection threads was seen in the infection zone. Poly-(3-
hydroxybuterate (phb) inclusions were found in the bacterial cytoplasm. In the nitrogen
fixation zone of nodule, the mature bacteroids were elongated. The younger bacteroids
exhibited a relatively homogeneous cytoplasm. In the distal part of the nitrogen
fixation zone, the bacteroids had proliferated to the extent that the most of the host cell
cytoplasm was occupied by elongated bacteroids. The organelles of host cell and
bacteroids were found at the peripheral position around the centrally located vacuole.
In mature bacteroids, which were present in the proximal part of nitrogen fixation zone,
the cytoplasm was heterogeneous due to condensation of nucleic acid material. The
transition from the nitrogen fixation zone to senescence zone occurred abruptly.
Light microscopic studies of the nodules induced by purine auxotrophs did not
show significant differences among themselves. The longitudinal section of whole
nodule in each case showed the lack of distinct zones like the parental strain induced
nodules; most of the cortical cells were devoid of bacteroids, while a few contained
amyloplasts. Infection threads and many peripheral vascular bundles were commonly
seen in the nodule sections.
At ultrastructural level, the nodules induced by group I auxotrophic mutant
NV2 showed infection threads containing bacteria in lytic condition. The released
bacteroids started degrading at this stage. The nodules induced by group II (AL7) and
group III (VK38) auxotrophs showed a large number of uninvaded cells with starch
granules. Some of the cortical cells contained bacteroids with heterogeneous cytoplasm
and normal shape, while some others contained bacteroids with heterogeneous
cytoplasm and were abnormal in shape. It seems that the lysis of bacteroids occurred
immediately after their release. In the nodules induced by group IV auxotroph VK 27
bacteroidal development appeared to be relatively more advance as compared to that in
the nodules induced by the purine auxotrophs of groups I, II and III.
These results showed that a normal flow of metabolites through purine
biosynthetic pathway is required for successful S. meloliti-a\Mfa symbiosis. Some
intermediates and enzymes of purine biosynthetic pathway may have a role in
bacteroidal development and maturation.