Architecture is a communal art, because we put the building in city to be seen by every one, architect-ure, in fact, forces itself on everyone. if a bad painting is made it will end up on the painter' s. Studio wall, and bad music will never have a chance to be played in a concert hall, but an architect can be like dictator, because people are forced to pass through the door he designs and when he puts any thing that is ugly in his building, it is a pity because it is forced upon the community. An ugly or senseless building is an insult to every gentleman passing in front of it, it says : This is your worth Mister' -
Masan Fathy
But beautiful architecture. is an act of civility towards the man who comes to the building. It is as. if the building were bowing to you at every corner, as in a minuet. Every building should add to the culture of man. But how can we do it when it does not respect
human reference and human scale ? We should re-intro-duce man in architecture : we must re-introduce human scale, human needs and human tradition.
Architecture is the social of all arts. Every society presents multiple facets to its members, which may be social, cultural, economic, political, institutional,
religious, etc. These multiple dimensions interact to create the complex reality that we call society. Architecture is, then the means that the members of society adopt to express in the physical world. This expression may be explicit or implicit. The resulting building and urban/rural fabric is the physical mirror of theaspects that define the society's objective reality, as well as its linkage backwards and forwards to its cultural heritage and its future aspirations.
It is an art that is physically rooted in the geographic location of that society.