The present work was undertaken to determine the symbiotic role of pyrimidine
biosynthetic pathway in Rhizohium meliloti (presently called Sinorhizobium meliloti).
The primary objectives of this work were isolation, characterization and symbiotic
studies of pyrimidine auxotrophs of S. meliloti. Random transposon Tn5 mutagenesis was
employed to generate pyrimidine auxotrophs of S. meliloti strain Rmd201 which is a Smr
derivative of strain AK631. Conjugations between donor E. coli WA803 (pGS9) and
recipient S. meliloti Rmd201 yielded 7,350 Kmr transconjugants from 147 crosses.
Screening of these transconjugants resulted in isolation of 37 auxotrophs. Streaking of
these aaxotrophs on nutritional pools yielded twelve uracil, two uracil + arginine and two
arginine auxotrophs. Six uracil and three uracil + arginine auxotrophs isolated by other
researchers in this lab were also included in this study.
Intermediate feeding and intermediate accumulation studies were conducted for
biochemical characterization of pyrimidine auxotrophs. On the basis of these studies,
uracil + arginine and uracil auxotrophs, were divided into three groups:
(i) car mutants (NV1, NV15, RH33. RH37, RH47): Grew on minimal medium
supplemented with uracil and arginine; also grew on carbamoyl phosphate
supplemented minimal medium,
(ii) pyrC mutants (NV18. NV21. NV32. VK12. VK19. VK43, RH7. RH9): Grew on
orotic acid or dihydroorotic acid supplemented minimal medium.
(iii) pyrE/pyrF mutants (NV6. NV9. NV12, NV19, NV23. NV26, NV33, NV34. NV37.
RH36): Did not grow on minimal medium supplemented with any of the pyrimidine
biosynthetic intermediates (used in the study); accumulated orotic acid in liquid
minimal medium.
Arginine aaxotrophs grew on ornithine or citrulline supplemented minimal
medium indicating that the positions of biochemical block in these auxotrophs were
before ornithine.
The uracil, uracil + arginine and arginine auxotrophs were similar to the parental
strain w.r.t. cell surface molecules (lipopolysaccharides, cellulose fibrils, succinylated
exopolysaccharides and [3-glucans), utilization of carbon sources, salt and acid
tolerances, change in pH of the medium and growth patterns indicating that the
symbiotic defects of these auxotrophs were not caused by a change in any of the above
The linkage of Tn5 insertion to auxotrophy in each auxotroph (uracil/uracil +
arginine/arginine) was determined by mobilizing the Tn5-containing genomic fragment
from the aaxotroph into the S. meliloti strain ZB555 (Cys", Phe", Rf, Smr) with the help
of genome mobilizing plasmid pJB3JI and subsequently checking for donor's
auxotrophy(ies) in Kmr transconjugants. All Kmr transconjugants thus obtained showed
respective donor's auxotrophy confirming the linkage of Tn5 insertion to auxotrophy.
This also proved that no other Tn5 insertion occurred in the genome of this auxotroph.
Transconjugants ofS. meliloti strain ZB555 carrying kanamycin resistance and respective
auxotrophy when inoculated on alfalfa plants, showed the symbiotic defect like the donor
auxotroph. The revertant of each auxotroph showed normal symbiosis, like the parental
strain Rmd201, with alfalfa plants. These results showed that a single Tn5 insertion in
each auxotroph was responsible for auxotrophy and symbiotic defect.
Genetic mapping of Tn5 insertion in each of the uracil and uracil + arginine
aaxotrophs was performed using plasmid pJB3JI mediated mapping method. These
mutations were mapped in 41.7% region of chromosome between cys46 and purl5/168
loci. Precise mapping was not possible due to unavailability of mapping strains for
complete chromosomal region.
Symbiotic properties of uracil, uracil + arginine and arginine auxotrophs were
determined by inoculating them on alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. T9) plants grown
aseptically on nitrogen-free slants. All these auxotrophs induced white nodules, and mean
plant heights and dry weights of these plants did not differ significantly from those of the
uninoculated plants, indicating the inability of these auxotrophs to fix nitrogen. The car,
pyrC and arg mutants induced spherical/irregular nodules whereas the nodules induced
by the pyrE/pyrF mutants were cylindrical like the parental strain induced nodules. This
showed that the extent of nodule development was related to the position of mutation in
the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway.
The symbiotic defects of uracil and uracil + arginine auxotrophs were not restored
on addition of uracil or its intermediates (and arginine in case of uracil + arginine
aaxotrophs) to the plant nutrient medium. This may be due to the failure of the
aaxotrophs located in nodules to utilize these compounds from the medium. The
symbiotic defects of arginine auxotrophs were restored on supplementation of arginine,
citrulline or ornithine to plant nutrient medium.
The methylene blue stained root portions (1cm long) of alfalfa plants inoculated
with the auxotrophs were observed for root hair curling and infection thread formation.
All auxotrophs induced root hair curling and resulted in infection thread formation.
Six weeks old nodules induced by uracil and uracil + arginine auxotrophs were
fixed and embedded in epoxy araldite resin. Semithin and ultrathin sections of these
nodules were examined under light and electron microscopes.
In the nodules induced by car mutants lysis of rhizobial bacteria occurred
immediately after their release into nodule cells from the infection threads. The defect in
these nodules appears to be at the stage of bacterial release. The release of rhizobial
bacteria into nodule cells occurred normally in the nodules induced by the pyrC mutants
but the transformation of the released bacteria into bacteroids was not complete. Hence in
these nodules the block occurred during the development of nitrogen fixation zone. In the
nodules induced by the pyrE/pyrF mutants the rhizobial release into plant cells was
normal and in most of the rhizobial cells transformation from bacterial to bacteroid stage
was almost complete but the nitrogen fixation zones of these nodules were not fully
developed like those of the parental strain induced nodules.
Since the nodules induced by pyrC mutants showed advanced structural features
over those of the nodules induced by car mutants, carbamoyl phosphate/carbamoyl
phosphate synthetase/carbamoyl aspartate may be involved in symbiosis. The nodules
induced by pyrE/pyrF mutants were also structurally more advanced than the nodules
formed by pyrC mutants, indicating that dihydroorotic acid/dihydroorotase/orotic acid
may also have symbiotic function(s). The symbiotic defects of nodules induced by
pyrE/pyrF mutants may be due to unavailability of orotidine monophosphate or lack of
orotate phosphoribosyltransferase/orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase activity.
Hence an undiminished metabolic flow through pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway in S.
meliloti appears to be essential for the effective nodule development on alfalfa plants.