The thesis has been devoted to the study of
flow problems in hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).
Most of the work is on MHD problems and there is only one
chapter on a hydrodynamlc flow* In the first chapter on
introduction those aspects of MHD and hydrodynamics have
been described which are to be used in the subsequent
chapter a. This brings a kind of uniformity in the treatment.
This has been uone nlso because it makes the presentation
self-contained in a large measure. A brief account of the
rel ted studies made by various workers in the field la
given at the end of this chapter.
The second, third and fourth chapter a deal with
problems which are like in character and so have been placed
one after another. In the second chapter unsteady flow of
conducting fluid in a circular pipe with non-conducting walls
snd the magnetic field parallel to a diameter has been
uiscusaed. The corresponding steady solution has been
investigated by Gold <49> .
The third chr.pter consists in the study of unsteady
MHD flow in a rectangular channel with non-conducting walls
and a uniform initial field existing parallel to a pair of
walls. The corresponding steady flow was studied by
-hercliff <45> #
A rigorous study of the unsteady flows in the second
end the third chapters will require the discussion of electro-
magnetic phenomena inside the material of the walls of the
channel. This has been disregarded m& the equations have
been solved only for the flow region. It has been presumed
that the flow does not affect the electromagnetic field
inside the walls or that it affects negligibly. So restricted
the solution is exact in the special esse when the Reynold's
number of the flow is the same as the magnetic Reynold's
The fourth chapter discusses the MHD flow in an
elliptic pipe, the aiplied field being parallel to a principal
axis of the cross-section. The solution is an exact one and
therefore, applicable to all values of Hertmann number.
In the fifth chapter is investigated the non-stationary
flow of a conducting fluid in an annular tuba in the presence
of a field emanating radially from the axis. This time
electromagnetic equations have been solved within the flow
region (still in the special cnse of Reynold's number being
equal to the magnetic Reynold*e number) and also in the
interior of the Inner cylinder and of the outer cylinder.
The sixth chapter deals with a problem of steady
heat transfer by laminar flow In the region between two
coaxial circular cylinders when a radial magnetic field
exists in the inter - space. The semi infinite cylinder
r • a, r * b, «<u are kept at a constant temperature TQ and
the cylinders r • a, r » fc, a>G at another constant temperature
T§. These ere Joined smoothly at the cross-section a - 0
by imposing physic lly Justifiable continuity conditions.
The seventh chapter discusses the laminar steady
state flow (MHU) in an annular channel with suction and
injection at the cylindrical boundaries in the presence of
a radial magnetic field. The solution appears In a closed
The Inst chapter deals with an axial unsteady
hydrodynamic laminar viscous flow in an annular sector.
First the steady solution is derived end to this 88 expo
nentially decreasing unsteady part has been added. The
solution has been obtained in terms of integrals some of
which cm be integrsted in the closed form and the others
can either be expressed in series or can be evaluated