The Rhizobium meliloti strain Rmd 201 (Nod+ Fix+ Smr), a derivative
of wild type strain Rm 41, was subjected to random transposon Tn5
mutagenesis with the help of transposon introducing plasmid pGS9 carrying
Tn5. Six thousand transconjugants obtained at a frequency of 3xl0"5 from
the crosses between the E. coli strain WA 803 {met, thi) harbouring suicide
plasmid pGS9 and Rmd 201 were collected, purified and screened for
auxotrophs based on their inability to grow on minimal medium. The
screening of Tn5 derivatives yielded 29 auxotrophs, the frequency of
isolation of auxotrophs being 0.48%. The nature of auxotrophy of each
mutant was then determined on nutritional pools. Symbiotic properties of
all auxotrophs were tested and are as follows : Nod" (isoleucine + valine),
Nod+, Fix+ (methionine and cysteine/methionine), Nod+, Fix" (uracil, uracil
+ arginine and adenine). When the revertants were similarly examined, they
resembled the parental type strain Rmd 201, indicating that changes in the
symbiotic behaviour of the above strains could be attributed to their
auxotrophic mutations (Table 6). In all the above plant experiments, the
bacteria were isolated from the nodules to confirm that nodules were
colonized by the same strain with which the plant was inoculated. From a
collection of 29 auxotrophs 9 pyrimidine auxotrophs were selected for
further detailed studies.
The position of block in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway in these
auxotrophs was determined by intermediate feeding and intermediate
accumulation studies. Based on the results the pyrimidine auxotrophs were
divided into three groups as follows:
I Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase mutants which require carbamoyl
phosphate for their growth (H33, H37 and H47).
II The mutants which have blocks in the pathway between carbamoyl
phosphate and orotic acid (VE12, VE19, VE43, H7 and H9).
III The mutant that does not grow on orotic acid but grows on uracil
supplementation, evidently having a block in the pathway after orotic
acid (H36).
Symbiotic properties of pyrimidine auxotrophs were investigated by
inoculating them on alfalfa (Medicago sativa) seedlings grown aseptically
on nitrogen free agar slants. The symbiotic properties of auxotrophs in the
second group except H7 (VE12, VE19, VE43 and H9) could not be
determined as the nodules were always occupied by their prototrophic
revertants. The carbamoyl phosphate mutants (H33, H37 and H47), the
mutant H7 which has a block between carbamoyl phosphate and orotic
acid and the mutant H36 that has a block in its pyrimidine biosynthetic
pathway after orotic acid were nod+ and fix", i.e., they formed nodules
which did not fix nitrogen.
In order to test the authenticity of the nodules formed by these
auxotrophs, root hair curling and infection thread formation were observed
under light microscope. All auxotrophs were found to induce root hair curling
and infection thread formation.
For histological studies the nodules from six weeks old plants were
fixed and embedded in araldite epoxy resin. Semithin and ultrathin sections
were obtained and observed under light microscope and transmission
electron microscope, respectively.
Alfalfa nodules induced by the parental strain Rmd 201 were elongate,
cylindrical and had distinct typical meristem, infection, nitrogen fixation
and senescent zones. The bacteria in the infection thread and just after
release into the host cell were approximately 1.0 to 1.5 urn long. At this
stage poly-p-hydroxybutyrate inclusions were found in the bacterial
cytoplasm. In the nitrogen fixation zone of the nodule the mature bacteroids
increased significantly in size becoming 3 to 8 urn long. In addition, they
proliferated to the extent that most of the host cytoplasm was occupied by
elongated bacteroids. The younger bacteroids exhibited a relatively
homogeneous cytoplasm and were found in the distal part of nitrogen fixation
zone. In the mature bacteroids, which were present in more proximal part
of the nitrogen fixation zone, the cytoplasm exhibited greater heterogeneity
because of the condensation of nucleic acid material.
The nodules induced by strain H33 were ineffective and distinguishable
in morphology from those induced by wild type. These nodules were usually
white, spherical and found on secondary roots. The longitudinal section of
the nodule did not show distinct zones. Most of the cells in the nodule were
without bacteroids. Extensive branching of infection threads was found. At
the ultrastructural level the occasional release of bacteria into plant cell
cytoplasm was seen. The released bacteria showed homogeneous cytoplasm.
Mature bacteroids with features as described above were not seen in the
plant cells. It seems that transformation of young bacteroids to mature
bacteroids did not occur in this case.
Nodules elicited by H7 were spherical or irregular in shape and white
in colour. Light microscopic studies revealed absence of distinct zones.
Ultrastructural studies showed extensive branching of infection threads and
occasional release of bacteria into plant cell cytoplasm was observed. The
released bacteria exhibited a relatively homogenous cytoplasm. The
bacteroidal development did not occur beyond first stage.
The pyrimidine auxotroph H36 formed nodules that exhibited distinct
zones viz. meristematic zone, infection zone, poorly developed nitrogenfixing
zone and senescent zone. Electron microscopic studies revealed that
in the infection zone electron dense homogeneous young bacteroids with
phb granules were seen. In the nitrogen-fixing zone bacteroids were
elongated and properly organised. Bacteroids in this region showed partially
heterogeneous cytoplasm which were lacking proper condensation of nucleic
acid materials. It seems that transformation from young bacteroids to mature
bacteroids did not occur fully. Moreover some cells showed this bacteroidal
cytoplasm in electron transparent condition with ruptured peribacteroidal
membrane. These bacteroids looks like lysing in this stage.
For confirming the linkage of auxotrophy to Tn5 insertion, the plasmid
pJB3JI was used to mobilize the Tn5 containing chromosomal segments of
pyrimidine auxotrophs into another R.meliloti strain ZB 555 (Cys, Phe,
Rifr, Sm'). All Kmr transconjugants obtained showed donor's auxotrophy.
This confirmed the linkage of auxotrophy to Tn5 insertion as well as ruled
out the possibility of occurrence of other independent Tn5 insertions in
these mutants.
Since the plasmid pJB3JI used in this study showed poor genome
mobilizing ability, precise mapping was not possible but the possibility of
occurrence of pyr loci in 2/3 of the chromosome could be ruled out.
In order to find out the pleiotropic effects of Tn5 insertions all auxo
trophs were tested for the production of exopolysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides,
cellulose fibrils, 0-1 -> 2 glucans and utilization of dicarboxylic acids
(malate, aspartate, succinate, etc.). Like the wild type all auxotrophs utilised
dicarboxylic acids as carbon source and produced the above mentioned cell
surface molecules.
From the above results it seems that intermediates of the pyrimidine
biosynthetic pathway have a role in bacteroid development as blocks at
different steps of the pathway resulted in bacteroids blocked at different
stages of development.