The meanings of word 'fringe' as given in the Oxford English Dictionary are, 'border', 'outskirts', 'area or part of minor importance'. Perhaps the meaning 'area of minor importance' has weighed more heavily in the minds of planners that ocver the years, the process of development and changes taking place in the inner parts of cities and towns have received more than their due share of attention and have been subject matter of large number of studies by the planners and geographers. However, when we come to the other two meanfings of the word 'fringe', namely 'border or outskirts' rural urban fringe belt around may existing city or town, also falls within the ambit of urban planning.
Changes in land use and population on fringes of any existing city or town has remained and will continue to be so, a long outstanding feature stimulated by high value of land in central areas. Though changes on periphery of a town are less pronounced and not concentra ted initially and involve less dramatic social issues, these are of much greater importance since a considerable area of land is involved_ As the time passes, more and more people are likely to be affected by these changes. While attention is given to provide community facilities, utility
services and civic amenities within the city limits and towns,