dc.description.abstract |
Pesticides are among the few toxic materials deliberately disbursed into the
environment to preserve the agricultural produce. The growth of population is
making increasing demands on the natural resources thus resulting into a large
scale use of the pesticides. The lack of proper training to the farmers sometimes
leads to their indiscreet use and subsequent proliferation of these biological poisons
into the environment. A problem inherent to pesticide application technology
is the drift or disposal of the pesticides from the point of application. Only
10 to 15% of the applied pesticides actually reach the target with the remaining
85 to 90% dispersed off the target to air, soil and water. Awareness on the
deposition of the pesticides outside the target area and the potential health
effects due to these chemicals, nevertheless,is growing among the general public
and the regulatory agencies. The widespread occurrence of pesticide residues
in the different agricultural commodities in developing nations like India has
been accepted as an unrefutable fact. In order to keep a proper track of the
cycle of these materials a careful study on the decay profiles and formation
of metabolites in various segments of the ecosystem is the need of the hour.
Although some of the pesticides have been banned due to their toxicity and
tendency to bioaccumulate in the living organisms their use still continues owing
to their effectiveness and economic reasons. But before restricting the use of
certain pesticides, it is imperative to follow their persistence behaviour and toxicity
of the metabolites.
The decay of the pesticides takes place through complex mechanisms. The
persistence and the type of the metabolites formed, to a large extent, depend
upon nature of the medium and the environmental conditions. The medium
can be water, soil or plant and the environmental conditions may include
temperature,humidity,wind velocity etc. Ina particular type of environmental segment there can be large variation which cannot be controlled. Even in the simplest
case like water there are variations in different physico-chemical parameters.
Therefore large scale variations may be observed in the data on the decay
profiles. For any meaningful interpretation of the results it becomes important
to generate a database on decay patterns of the pesticides under controlled
conditions. It remains a fact that the laboratory results cannot be necessarily extrapolated to the field. Thus a correct approach to the problem is to conduct
the laboratory and field studies simultaneously.
With the awareness in pesticides pollution, voluminous literature has accumulated
on residue analysis which essentially involves the identification and quantification
of the pesticides on different food products. Studies have been conducted on the kinetics of decay of some of the pesticides under different laboratory conditions.
Also substantial information exists on the photodegradation and subsequent
identification of the metabolites. However, the field data on the persistence profiles
of the pesticides under different meteorological conditions are scarce. Out of
the different categories of the pesticides the organochlorines have received maximum
attention with regard to the above mentioned studies. Among the pesticides, organophosphorus compounds enjoy a favoured
position due to their relatively fast decomposition and low accumulation in the
biological food chain. The economic considerations also dictate their use
particularly, in the developing countries. A market survey revealed that out of
the organophosphorus pesticides, malathion, methylparathion and dimethoate
are the most commonly used ones. Most of the organochlorines are banned
on an international level but some of them are still in use in India. Endosulfan,
a pesticide of organochlorine group with cyclodiene moiety, is being used
in India liberally. A survey of literature reveals that studies have been conducted
on the decay profiles of the above mentioned organophosphorus compounds
in soil and water under laboratory conditions but the effect of various
parameters affecting the decay and the identification of metabolites have
not been systematically investigated. There are some results available on
the decomposition and the metabolic pathways of endosulfan. However, no
field data are available on the decay profiles of the said pesticides under different
environmental conditions.
In view of the above premise it was planned to investigate the decay of
malathion and methylparathion under controlled laboratory and environmental
conditions and identify the metabolites formed. It was also important to look
into the effect of various variables on the decay rate of endosulfan in water and
For the sake of clarity and convenience in presentation the work embodied
in the thesis has been divided into the following five chapters:-
I. General Introduction.
II. Experimental Methodology.
II1(a). Degradation of Malathion and Methylparathion in Water and Soil Under
Laboratory Conditions.
111(b). Degradation of Endosulfan in Water and Soil Under Laboratory
IV. Degradation of Malathion and Methylparathion in Plant and Soil Under
Field Conditions.
V. Identification of Metabolites of Malathion and Methylparathion.
Chapter I deals with the role of the pesticides and their classification. The
problem of pesticide pollution is highlighted. The parameters affecting the decay
of the pesticides and the different metabolites formed are discussed. Finally
the aims and objectives of the present study are defined.
The relevant literature on the different aspects has been included in the respective chapters.
Chapter II details out the optimum operating conditions developed for the
analysis of malathion, methylparathion and endosulfan. The malathion and
methylparathion were analysed by using RP-HPLC and endosulfan by
employing GLC with an electron capture detector. This is followed by a description on the extraction procedures adopted in the present investigations. Different
procedures were explored to develope a method for each pesticide and the
percentage recovery was noted. Methanol-water extraction proved to be most
efficient for the plant and soil samples and methylene chloride for water samples.
Methanol- water extractsfrom the plant and the soil were partitioned into methylene
chloride, suitably cleaned and finally analysed by the appropriate chromatographic
technique. The details of the equipments and the reagents used are also given
in this chapter.
Chapter III presents results of the effect of temperature, pH and organic
content (humic acid) on the decay of malathion,methylparathion and endosulfan
in water.The findings about the decay profiles of the pesticides in three different
types of soil are also included . The samples were spiked with a known amount
of the pesticide, extracted at different time intervals and analysed. The degradation
was monitored for four weeks and in all the cases the decay is exponential in
nature. The degradation rate in water was found to increase with the increase
in the temperature and change in the pH from acidic to alkaline region. A similar
effect of pH was observed in the soil. The presence of humic acid decreases the
half-life of the organophosphates but increases that of endosulfan. The
degradation of endosulfan is distinctly slower in soil than in water.
Chapter IV incorporates the degradation study of malathion and methylparathion
in radish and carrot and the adjoining soil in three different seasons namely
winter, summer and postmonsoon. Pesticide formulations of appropriate
concentration were sprayed and the plants were harvested for the analysis
at various time intervals. The pesticide from the whole plant was extracted
and analysed using the procedure described in chapter II. The decay in summer
showed two distinct profiles, initially it was faster and subsequently it slowed
down. The decay in winter and postmonsoon followed the usual profile of pseudo
first-order kinetics. The rate of decay follows the sequence winter ~ postmonsoon
< summer.
Chapter Vdescribes the possible metabolic pathways of organophosphorus
pesticides in radish,water and soil. The metabolites were identified by
GC-MS in samples employed for the decay studies. The results indicate that the
different metabolites are formed by de-esterification,hydrolysis, oxidation
and/or reduction. In water the cleavage occurs at C-S or P-S bond of malathion
whereas hydroxylation of phenyl moiety occurs in methylparathion. In soil
and radish both the pesticides follow different routes.
It can be concluded that degradation of pesticides follow a first order kinetics.
The laboratory data are more or less similer to field results in winter and
postmonsoon. However, in summer two different profiles are observed. The study
on the identification of metabolites of malathion and methylparathion indicates
that they are formed as a results of hydrolysis, oxidation reduction and/or
de-estrification. At some stage during the decay cycle the oxons of malathion and
methylparathion are formed which are more toxic than their parent compounds.
At the end some important findings of the present work have been
summarized. |
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