There is substantial documentation or environmental degradation by man*s actions and of adverse impacts of the use of energy intensive and Polluting technologies in the course of the present urban, industrial and economic develop-ment ( Schumcher; 73, S aria Devi; 82, Mich; 73, Commoner; 73 and Cooks, 76 ) . The future state of global environment would indeed be very ominous if the present trends in the pattern of consumption of resources to achieve the prevailing goals of development continue ( Clarke and Howell 77, Lasslo
and Bierman: 77 This grave situation of global environmen- tal degradation, has promoted many international experts (Scientists, technologists and environmentalists ) to work on alternative patterns of development to revive our dying planet THE EARTH.
The adverse impact of man made system particularly of the built environmental system, as contrasted with the benefi-cial effects of natural system are given in Table which clear13 outlines the need for patterning a man made development on the basis of natural system..