dc.description.abstract |
The thesis deals with some problems on the
pulsation of composite stellar models with a view to study
the effect of central condensation on the pulsation
characteristics. The thesis is divided into two parts
I and II comprising of eight chapters. In part I the small
radial pulsations and enharmonic pulsations of four polytropic
models, each having a polytropic index 1.5 in the inner part
(core) and 3 in the outer part (envelope), but having
different central condensations have been considered. Their
anharmonic pulsations have been considered both by Rosseland's
as well as Eddington1 s method. The radial pulsations of
three other composite models, having polytropic indices 0.5
or 1.5 in the core and 3 or 4 in the envelope, but with the
same central condensation ( ^c/o ) have been considered.
It has been shown that &/p is not sensitive enough to
indicate the eigen value frequencies and amplitudes of the
modes effectively. It has been found that the parameter
Xfcdq will be quite suited to characterise the pulsation
properties of the fundamental mode of all the models considered.
Also there is a more rapid decrease in the amplitudes of higher
modes of the composite models as compared to those of the
complete polytropes. In the anharmonic pulsations this factor
affects the radial velocity curve.
In part II the small radial pulsations and
anharmonic pulsations of a composite model, consisting of a
2 2 core with density varying as (1-r /R ) surrounded by an
envelope with density varying as the inverse square of the
distance r from the centre, have been considered.
Besides the above work by the author, an
introductory chapter on composite polytrope Is given to
make the thesis self sufficient. The contents of each
chapter are outlined below.
ti 8iT v. iiJti i.
Chapter I, The theory regarding fitting the
solutions for composite polytropes has been given in brief.
Chapter II. The equation for small adiabatic
radial oscillations is derived and is applied to composite
models each having a polytropic index 1.5 in the core and
3 in the envelope. Four different models with interfaces
at r/H • 0.2094, 0.3915, 0.6160 and 0.8250 have been
studied. The radial oscillations have been considered for
« • 0,6, 0,5 and 0,4. The central condensation ( ?«. /p ) for
these models is 37.6662, 19.9518, 10.8507 and 7.3638
respectively. The first model shows a behaviour similar to
the standard model and the third model shows a behaviour
similar to the polytrope n * 2 as far as the fundamental
mode and the ratios of eigen value frequencies are concerned.
Chapter III. The anharmonic pulsations of
the above four models have been considered by Rosseland's
method, taking into consideration the interaction of the
first three modes for the case « * 0.6 . The radial velocity
curve shows reasonable results for the first two models but
for the last two models it shows humps. So the last two
models are quite unsuitable as far as their anharmonic
pulsations are concerned.
Chapter IV, The anharmonic pulsations of the
above models have been considered by Eddington* s method.
This has also been worked out for the standard model (for
« » 0.6) .
Chapter V, The small adi abatic radial
pulsations for three different composite models (for <** 0,6)
with polytropic indices
(i) 0,5 in the inner part and 3 in the outer part
(ii) 0,5 in the inner part and 4 in the outer part
(iii) 1.5 in the inner part and 4 in the outer part
and having the central condensation ?<Vp equal to 37,666
(i.e. equal to the first model mentioned in Chapter II) have
been obtained. These models help considerably in the
conclusion on 12ie effect of central condensation on overtones.
Chapter VI, An overall study of the last four
chapters is done and the conclusions derived are given in an
explicit form.
Part II.
Chapter VII. The small radial pulsations of a
composite model, consisting of a core with density varying
2 2 as (1-r /R ) surrounded by an envelope with density varying
as the inverse square of the distance r from the centre,
have been considered.
Chapter VIII, The anharmonic pulsations of
the above model have been considered, by Rosseland's method.
The work presented here, is original research
by the author except sections 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3 and 4,1
which have been put infco present a connected account of the
whole. |
en_US |