The thesis, running into six chapters, comprises
of a study of certain problems of flow of incompressible
second-order fluids. An analysis of heat transfer with
and without constant heat sources is also attempted
in some of the cases. The effect of a magnetic field
on certain flows when the fluid is electrically conducting,
is also investigated.
The first chapteris introductory and covers the
development of the fundamental concepts of Classical
Fluid Dynamics so as to embrace generalisation leading
to the theory of Second-order fluids and the concepts of
meat transfer in the flow of such fluids. It also provides
transformations to different coordinate systems (used in
the thesis) of the equations of conservation of mass,
momentum and energy and the constitutive equation of the
second-order fluids.
The subsequent oontent of the thesis forms the main
contribution and is classified under parts AtB and ?.
Port A, consisting of chapter II deals with a problem of
flow of an electrically conducting liquid under a trans*
vsrss magnetic field, while chapters III and If consti
tuting part B, are concerned with certain problems of
flow with or without suction. The study of heat transfer
under and in absence of heat sources forms ths subject
matter of chapters V and VI, constituting the part 0.
The interpretation of results is based, wherever
possible, on the values of material constants determined
experimentally by Msrkovits in oase of certain particular
types of second-order fluids.
The detailed coverage of chapters is as followst
Chapter II is devoted to the problem of the flow
of an electrically conducting second-order fluid between
torsionally oscillating infinite disc under a transverse
magnetic field. The amplitude of oscillations is assumed
small and ths solution of ths problem sought by expanding
the velocity components in a series of its ascending powers.
The first order solution consists of a transverse velocity
while the second-order eolution gives a radial-axial flow
composed of a steady pmrt and a fluctuating part. For both
approximations the velocities are affected by the magnetic
field through Hartmann number. The modification due to
second-order effecte as well as due to their Interaction
with magnetic field are discussed.
Chapter III deals with the effects of the elastloovlscous
and cross-viscous properties of the liquid In Its
flow past a sphere. The solution of the problem is sought
by expanding the stream function In ascending powers of
second-order parameters, assumed small. The secondary flows
been discussed and illustrated graphically.
Chapter IV comprises of a study of ths flow
of a second-order fluid between rotating eo-axial
cylinders with suction and injection. Solution has boom
in terms of series of ascending powers of Reynolds
»r and suction parameter respectively, in cases when
the former or the latter is assumed to be small. The
second-order effects are observed to be governed by two
dlmensionless parameters depending u*>on the elastlcoviscous
and the cross-viscous properties of ths fluid.
The transverse component of velocity is found to be
independent of cross-viscosity while the axial velocity
is affected by the elastico-viscosity as well as crossviscosity
of the fluid. Besides other interosting results
It is found that an increase In normal-stress effects
results in increasing the transvsrss and axial velocities.
Ths problem of heat transfer in the flow of a
second-order fluid over an enclosed rotating disc forms
the subject matter of Chapter V. The solution has been
affected by expanding the temperature in ascending powers
of Reynolds number, assumed small. The effects of elasticoviscosity
and cross-viscosity of the fluid on the temper
ature profile and Nttsselt numbers on the rotor end stator
neve been investigated in regions of no-recirculatlon and
re-elroulat ion.
Chapter VI deals with a study of heat transfer
in the flow of second-order fluids over a flat plate
with suetIon and constant heat sources. A method of
successive approximations has been developed to solve
the non-linear differential equations Involved.As
Is usual for all two-dimensional flows, the flow is
ladspsndsnt of oross-viscosity of the fluid. The
effects of slast!co-viscosity have been studied in
detail. The flow pattern and temperature profile have
been discussed and illustratsd graphically.
Entire numerical work has been carried out on
I.B.M. 16*n computer Installed at the Structural Itaglneering
Research Centre, <oorkee. The reeulte of investigations
are summarised at the end of eaoh chapter.