Intra-cellular DNA represents the target for a wide variety
of clinically important antibiotics and synthetic compounds that
exhibit antitumour activities. It acts as a 'flexible receptor'
capable of expanding its minor groove to accommodate bulky ligand
dimers or distorting the sugar-phosphate backbone to allow
architecturally complex intercalators to thread chains of sugar
residues between the DNA base pairs. These diverse set of
antibiotics binding to DNA in a variety of ways have a common
ability to act as inhibitors of DNA transcription and replication.
As a result these antibiotics are of great interest as potential
anticancer agents. An understanding of structure and details of
dynamics of drug-DNA interactions at molecular level is important
in rationale designing of new families of antitumour agents.
Adriamycin, an anthracycline antibiotic is isolated from
Streptomyces peucetius. It is active against a number of solid
tumours and has a wide spectrum of antitumour activity.
The present study has been undertaken to study the
conformational features of adriamycin in DO by using ID and 2D
NMR techniques. The three-dimensional conformation of adriamycin
specified by spin-spin coupling constants and interproton
distances has been compared with X-ray crystal structure of
daunomycin (the X-ray crystal structure of adriamycin is not
available in literature). The conformation of deoxyhexanucleotide
d-(CGATCG) has been investigated in DO. Geometry of deoxyribose
sugar of each residue is obtained on the basis of double-quantum
filter COSY cross peak patterns, spin-spin coupling constants and
sums of couplings obtained from 1D/2D NMR spectra. This is
supplemented with interproton distances obtained from NOESY
spectra recorded at various mixing times (x ). The intra-residue
base-sugar proton NOEs are used to derive information about
glycosidic bond rotation ix) •
The complex of adriamycin with d-(CGATCG) is prepared by
titrating the hexamer with drug and monitoring the same by ID NMR
at every step. The 2:1 adriamycin to d-(CGATCG) concentration
ratio complex finally obtained, is studied by ID NMR and 2D NOESY
in detail. The changes in chemical shifts of various protons in
2:1 complex are attributed to stacking interactions and alteration
in relative base-base overlap. The data of 2D NOESY spectra is
used to assign all proton NMR signals unambiguously. The sugar
puckering, helix sense, glycosidic bond rotation, etc. are
estimated in complexed form. Several intramolecular NOE
connectivities, within adriamycin and DNA molecule, reflect the
changes in conformation of DNA and drug on complexation. The intermolecular NOEs between ring D protons of adriamycin
and base protons of 5'-3' d-CpG step give direct evidence of
intercalation of adriamycin chromophore between d-CpG base pairs.
Intermolecular NOEs between daunosamine sugar and A3.T4 base pair
indicate the proximity of daunosamine sugar to the third base pair in the hexamer sequence. The results are discussed with a view to
understand implications of binding of the drug adriamycin to DNA.