Sperm produced in the testis spend varying periods of time in the
epididymis during which they undergo significant changes
collectively termed 'maturation'. Remodelling of sperm surface is
one of the most prominent features observed. The sperm membrane
like most other membranes is made up of a lipid bilayer with
several glycoproteins tucked in. In the past few years, the role
of glycoproteins in cell-cell interaction has been repeatedly
emphasized. This concept has been extended to the interaction
of egg and sperm too. The epididymis supports several
glycosylating events such as addition, deletion and modification
of carbohydrate moieties on the sperm surface. Several types of
enzymes like glycosyltransferases and exoglycosidases responsible
for these events are abundant in the epididymis. The action of
these enzymes lead to a reorganized sperm surface which is
reflected in the enhanced ability of sperm for forward
progressive motility and interaction with ova.
In animals like goat which have been used in the present study,
reproduction is seasonal and so is epididymal sperm maturation.
Roorkee experiences five distinct seasons: spring, summer,
monsoon, autumn and winter. Several environmental, cues like
termperature, light, humidity, rainfall and photoperiod ensure
that breeding is restricted to the monsoon months of July, August
and September. The excellent linear correlation between the
weight of testis and epididymis together with information
gathered from animal breeders in Roorkee confirmed that the
monsoon season was the period of high sexual activity. In terms
of monitoring the functional status of the epididymal
microenvironment, the activity of 6-galactosidase was measured in
the various segments of the epididymis at all seasons.
Epididymal 6-galactosidase is an exoglycosidase that influences
sperm maturation by deletion of galactose moieties from sperm
surface molecules. A spurt in 6-galactosidase activity in
epididymal segments observed during the breeding season gave an
indication that this enzyme may have a definite role to play in
sperm maturation.
Interest on this enzyme thus grew and an attempt was made to
purify the enzyme from the goat epididymis. Purification was
done using the technigues of acid precipitation, salt
precipitation, dialysis, cation exchange chromatography, gel
filtration and preparative electrophoresis. This resulted in a
137 fold purification of B-galactosidase. The purified
preparation migrated as a single band on sodium dodecyl
sulfate-polyacrylamide gel subjected to electrophoresis.
Discontinuous cathodic polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
followed by enzyme specific staining helped to prove that the
homogeneous preparation was B-galactosidase. Antibodies raised
against purified B-galactosidase gave a single precipitin line
following double immunodiffusion on agarose gel, which
stained for B-galactosidase activity with 6-bromo-2-naphthyl
B-D-galactopyranoside. Thus, the homogeneity was also established
Once the enzyme was purified in sufficient amounts an attempt was
made to study its properties. Molecular weight of the purified
preparation was determined and found to be 64K by gel filtration
and 63K by SDS-PAGE. The purified enzyme was guite stable at
acidic pH (pH 4.2-5.0). Temperatures of upto 40°C did not
substantially affect the 6-galactosidase activity. At higher
temperatures significant loss in activity was observed within a
few minutes. The enzyme was otherwise very stable at low
temperatures. Storage at 4°, 0° and -70° C did not have any
impact on the activity of 6-galactosidase during the entire
period of three months for which the enzyme activity was checked.
Of the two specific substrates of 6-galactosidase tried,
p-nitrophenyl 6-D-galactopyranoside was hydrolyzed 3.5 times
faster (Km = 0.102 mM; Vmax = 1.084 juM/min/unit of enzyme) than
o-nitrophenyl 6-D-galactopyranoside (Km = 0.8mM; Vmax =0.32
/xM/min/unit of enzyme) . In addition, the preparation was to a
limited extent able to hydrolyze p-nitrophenyl N-acetyl-
B-D-glucosaminide and p-nitrophenyl a-D-galactopyranoside
indicating that it possesed N-acetyl-6-D-glucosaminidase and
a-D-galactosidase activities as well. The preparation did not
however hydrolyze the substrates of other glycosidases namely,
the p-nitrophenyl derivatives of a-D-mannoside, and a-D-and
V-D-Galactonolactone competitively inhibited the hydrolysis of
p-nitrophenyl 6-D-galactopyranoside with a Ki value of 0.231 mM.
Enzyme activity was also strongly inhibited by Tris and
D-galactose. The inhibitory action of synthetic sugars methyl
a-D-glucopyranoside and methyl a-D-mannopyranoside was very
are known to influence sperm maturation in a variety of ways
including regulation of the catalytic activity of many enzymes.
In order to know which of the ions are important, a survey was
made of the ions present in the luminal fluid at various sites of
the epididymal duct. Luminal fluid was collected and the
composition determined using the techniques of Inductively
Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy and Flame Photometry. Cu2+ ,
Ca2+,Mg2\ Na\ K+ and Zn2+were detected in the samples, of the
luminal fluid. m addition, trace levels of Ni2+, Cr2+ and Ti2+
were also detected. However, Mn2+, cd2+ and Co2+ were not
found. An attempt was then made to ascertain which of the ions
from the luminal fluid influenced the activity of
6-galactosidase. m recent years, industrialization has led to
pollution of the environment particularly with heavy metals.
Heavy metal toxicity is of immense concern to animal species.
The particular impact on the reproductive processes is even more
important since the quantity and quality of the offspring are
critically affected. with this in mind, the activity of the
purified 6-galactosidase was measured in the presence and absence
of specific ions. it was found that the enzyme activity was
strongly inhibited by Cu2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Ag+ and Hg2+ .
The matter embodied in the thesis is presented in four parts. in
the first part seasonal changes in epididymal 6-galactosidase
activity have been shown implicating the importance of the enzyme
in male reproduction. i„ the second part, strategies used to
purify this enzyme have been described. The third part
highlights the properties of the purified preparation. The last
is concerned with the ionic regulation of the enzyme. Thus
the work carried out represents a detailed study of one
epididymal exoglycosidase, B-galactosidase, which is known to
play a role in sperm maturation.