Experimental studies were conducted to investigate the role
of vitamin B12 against toxicity induced by methyl-parathion
intoxication in a teleost fish, O.punctatus. To study the
effect of methyl-parathion (O-0-dimethyl O-p-nitrophenylphosphorothionate)
on behavioural, morphological,
histopathological, haematological, histoenzymological and
biochemical parameters in the liver, kidney and blood of
fish, the healthy, living specimens of O.punctatus were
collected measuring about 15 to 18 cm in length and 40-50
gm in weight.
Bioassays have been conducted to gain preliminary
information about the toxicity of MP on fish. The LC
values for 24, 48, 72 and 96h have been determined and were
found to be 0.034 ml/1., 0.0056 ml/1., 0.0031 ml/1 and
0.0015 ml/1 of MP. For acute exposure, two sublethal
concentrations of MP i.e., l/5th and l/10th fractions of
LC5Q were selected. The results indicate that fishes
exposed to high concentration (0.06 ml/1) of MP exhibit a
significant degree of mortality after 24h exposure but
there is a decline in mortality when the fishes are exposed
to lower concentration (0.005 ml/1). Mortality rate
decreases with the increase of exposure. The- data was
collected at the four time intervals i.e., after 24, 48,
72 and 96h. Controls were also conducted simultaneously.
The behavioural response of fish towards toxicant was grossly dependent on concentration and period of
exposure. After introducing the fish into test solution,
the secretion of mucus from the body, hyperexcitability,
increased aerial excursions and opercular movements were
observed. Some fishes were characterized by the development
of tremors and convulsions.
Quantitative estimation of MP in tissue (liver,
kidney) were done by HPLC. The absorption of MP
concentration by the liver and kidney increased with the
duration of the exposure time. After 96h exposure, the
pesticide is completely absorbed by the tissues.
Histopathologically, a number of degenerative
changes were observed in the histology of the liver as
nuclear pycnosis, nuclear mitosis, clumping of nuclei and
hypertrophy of hepatocytes. The .liver damage was more
severe after 96h exposure. The structure of the treated
kidney show remarkable changes as loss of haemopoitic tissue, vacuolation, swelling of renal tubules, glomerular
shrinkage and nuclear pycnosis in the renal tubules. After
96h exposure, the kidney damage was more severe due to MP
intoxication. Irregular distribution of reticulin fibres
and collagen fibres was also observed which show
progression of tissue injury.
Further, haematological investigation revealed a
decrease in the haemoglobin percentage, haematocrit values
and RBC counts, reflecting the anaemic state of fish, while
there was a slight elevation in the WBC counts. Other
absolute values (MCV, MCH and MCHC) also altered in
response to the changes in the above parameters. However,
no significant alteration is found in all the acutely
treated fish. Glucose, urea and cholesterol level increased
significantly. Serum glutamic-oxalic transaminase, serum
glutamic pyruvic transaminase and alkaline phosphatase
increased while the acid phosphatase decreased in all the
acutely treated fish.
Biochemical observations include measurements of
moisture . contents, total proteins, lipids and
carbohydrates. Moisture contents and carbohydrates
increased significantly. The tissue protein depleted
maximally in the kidney while the tissue lipids depleted
maximally in the liver after 96h intoxication. The
enzymological alterations revealed significant inhibition
in the alkaline and acid phosphatase activity and elevation
in the lipase activity at all the time intervals both in
the liver and kidney. The biochemical alterations in the
enzymes were parallel to histochemical results.
The effect of MP on liver, kidney and blood of fish
is more severe after 96h exposure. Vitamin B, (dose of
0.25 ml) was injected in the intoxicated fish
intramuscularly on each alternate day for two weeks.
Administration of vitamin B12, shows loss of excessive
secretion and deposition of the mucus on the body surface.
Loss of lesions like hepatocytic necrosis, vacuolation and
normal hepatocytes was observed after vitamin B
injection as evidenced by histopathological examination in
the liver. No necrosis was observed in the kidney by
vitamin B12 administration. A regular distribution of
reticulin fibres was noticed in the liver while in kidney,
intertubular accumulation of reticulin fibres was observed
after vitamin B12 administration. No topographical
differences in the distribution of collagen fibres was
observed either in the liver or in the kidney. Anaemia,
hyperglycemia and hypercholestremia was cured by vitamin
B12 administration. MP induced glyconeogenesis in tissues
is prevented by injecting vitamin B12- It is indicated that
vitamin B12 provides protection to the fish against MP