This thesis is an attempt to study some of the problems
on vibration of uniform isotropic beams, plates and shells. It is
divided into three parts. The first part deals with the flexural
vibrations of beams which include the effect of internal viscous
damping in addition to the effects of rotatory inertia and shear.
Viscoelastic beams with the standard linear element type of internal
damping are studied. Numerical solutions are obtained for vibrations
which are purely harmonic in time and for those which are purely
harmonic in distance. The numerical solutions are obtained also for
forced and free vibrations of a cantilever beam.
The second part deals with flexural vibrations of elastic
moderately thick circular plates. The equations of vibration given
by Mindlin are taken and their solution is obtained in terms of Bessel
functions with the aid of three auxiliary variables. The natural
frequencies and relative displacements are obtained for torsionless
axisymmetric vibrations with free and clamped edge conditions and for
non symmetric vibrations with clasped edge condition. Comparison is
made with the corresponding frequencies of a circular plate given by
the classical plate theory.
The third part of the thesis deals with vibrations of elastic
spherical shells and comprises chapters III to VIII. In chapter III,
the equations of vibration of moderately thick non shallow spherical
shells are derived from the three dimensional equations of elasticity
by integration over the shell thickness. These equations include the
secondary effects of rotatory inertia and radial shear, and their
validity is verified by energy considerations. It is shown that these
equations satisfy several fundamental theorems of elasticity.
In chapter IV, the equations governing torsionless axisymmetric
vibrations of non shallow shells are given when the surface loads are
absent and their solution is obtained in terms of Legendre functions.
Numerical results are obtained for the natural frequencies, mode shapes
and strain energies due to stretching, bending and shear strains of a
hemispherical shell with free edge. Chapter V deals with"torsional and
pure thickness-shear vibrations of non shallow shells. Numerical results
are obtained for shells of various opening angle.
In chapter VI, a system of five auxiliary variables is employed
to obtain the solution for non symmetric vibrations of non shallow
shells in terms of associated Legendre functions. Both cases when the
secondary effects of rotatory inertia and radial shear are taken Into
account and when they are neglected, are included. Numerical results
are obtained for the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a hemis
pherical cap with clamped edge both for torsionless axisymmetric and non
symmetric vibrations.
Chapters Til and VIII deal with vibrations of shallow spherical
shells, in chapter V-i, the equations governing vibrations of moderately
ick shallow shells are derived from those given in chapter III and
their solution is obtained in terms of Bessel functions, in tal
results arc obtained for the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a
shallow ith cj edge. Numerical results for free edge condition
are also included.
In chapter VIII, the equations of vibration of thick shallow
shells are derived. These equations include the effec s of variation
of normal stress «- and radiel -iisplacement w over the thickness of
the sheil in addition to those of rotatory inertia and radial shear. A
system of six auxiliary variables is employed in deriving the sep
arable solution in terms of Bessel functions. Numerical results ar<-
obtained for natural frequencies for torsionless axisymmetric vibra
tions of a shallow cap with clamped edge.
The numerical work presented is chapter I Is done on a des
calculator, and that presented in chapters II and IV to VIII is done
on IBM 1620 Computer in about 80 hours duration. The whole work presented
in this thesis is original research by the author except sections 1.1,
1.2, 2.1 which have been put in to present a connected account of the
whole. The material of chapters I and III has been published in
University of Roorkee Research Journal. The material of chapter IV was
presented by the author in Ninth Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics held at Kanpur In December, 196lt.
A note may be added about nomenclature. It will be seen that
axisymmetric motion may be of three types, namely torsionless, torsional
and pure thickness-shear motions. As we deal largely with torsionless
axisymmetric motion, we have often used for brevity the terms 'torsion
less' or'axisymmetric' motion for this type of motion.
When we refer in the text to any equation occuring in another
chapter, we generally mention the section number first and then the
equation number next within brackets. For example, eqn. 3.U (^+.1) stands
for eqn, (^.1) of chapter III section 3.*r.