Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh, Bheemavaram City is an important Market Town and Commercial Town, This is one of the towns identified by the Stete Town Planning Department for development under the 'Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns Programme' initiated by Town and Country Planning Organisation, Government of India,
West Godavari District is one of the fertile and prosperous Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh, and 3heemavaram is an important Urban Centre of the Macro-region, witnessing rapid changes as a result of increased Socio-economic activities, An Outline Development Plan for Bbeemavaram town, 1971-91 was prepared by the Directorate of Town Planning, A, P,, long ago, The Plan is not implemented, but two shopping centres and bye-pass road are taken up .,Inder I,D,S,M,T, Programme, In the mean time, this town has been subjected to the pressure of tremendous population growth and accompanying developmental problems ................