In 1973, the oil prices were increased by 'OPEC. countries, which created a great impact on economic condi-tion of developed countries like U.S.A., Japan, etc. Then they started thinking Of alternative' to substitute for the costly oil. While searching this, they realized the impor-tante of energy conservation, in all'spheres including '- Building activity. The present topic passive cooling nethods' is a part of energy conservation techniques.
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The main diffeience *ween'aCtiye and passive coot�â� � '
ing (or heating) is, in active method �â� � heat transfer takes alace with the help of soMe auxiliary forces but whereas. in )assive methods .�â� � heat transfer takes 'place by itself. Some >cientists argue that there is no harM in using a small
mount of mechanical energy, for example fans, etc. (2 to 5 X. the total energy required by an active method), which can ;till be called as passive method. So the line of separation etween active and passive methods is till not clear.
In traditional buildings, our a cients took so much nterest and gave considerable importan e.to climatic condi�â� �
ions while constructing their houses, ow people are
either aware of the importance of tradi onal way of cons�â� � ruction nor they ._ere in a position to instal coolers, to achieve comfort conditions inside a building.