This dissertation deals with the stability of earth slopes, as applicable to highway embank-ments and cuttings. Different types of stability problems are met with, some of which are complex. There are two distinctly different types of app-roach for the problem of stability analysis- one, by assuming a definite failure surface and analy-sing the forces that act, and the other by find-ing the stresses from point to point within the soil mass and then analysing the stability of the soil slope. A review of various methods of stab-ility analysis is made and the assumptions and limitations of each are discussed. There are various definitions of the factor of safety, and that with respect to strength of the soil seems to be most logical. Investigations of the stab-ility problem have also been carried out by mod-el study. In the case of a slide, the factors causing the failure of slope should be invest-igated and suitable remedial measures adopted.