The Indian Himalayas, the originating point of many important rivers, plays a vital role in
controlling the weather of India. Despite this fact, the climate of Indian Himalayas is less
studied because of its inaccessibility and hilly terrain that makes the data on meteorological
and hydrological variables scarce. Mountains provide freshwater to half of the world's
population and are home to half of all global biodiversity hotspots. Some of the questions
which require a scientifically derived answer are as follows:
(i) What will be the impact of climate -change in mountains and their adjacent
(ii) Where will the change take place and who will be most affected?
To find the answer of the above questions, the Indian Himalayas where very limited
studies have been undertaken was selected as the study area.
The present study has been taken up with the following objectives:
1. To analyze short-term and long-term dependence in the climate parameters
2. To study spatial and temporal trends in the climatic variables
3. To search for the evidences of short-range and long-range periodicity/hidden
4. To study the effect of climate change on the river discharge of a typical Himalayan
river basin
Monthly meteorological data viz., maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall,
number of rainy days and wind speed of varying length (22-59 years) for the period from
1933 to 2003 were procured from India Meteorological Department (IMD), Pune, for 23
selected stations (16 for wind speed) representatives of Indian Himalayas. For Satluj River
basin daily maximum, minimum temperatures for six stations, rainfall data for eight stations,
snowfall data for four stations and; discharge data for Bhakra gauging station were collected
for the period 1985-2002 from the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB), Nangal
Township (Punjab), India.
Altogether 14 (13 for short-term and Hurst's H for long-term) tests, were used to
determine the existence of statistically significant dependence structure in the annual series of
climatological variables. Majority of the series indicated presence of short-term dependence
where as conditional probabilities of existence of only long-term dependence were, found to
be negligible. The dependence was more pronounced in high altitude stations and stations
with long records. Spatially, the eastern Himalayas show more dependence as compared to
other regions of the Indian Himalayas.
The Mann-Kendall's test with boot strapping technique (1000 runs) and Linear
regression test were applied using HYDROSPECT software to detect significant trends and
magnitudes in the climatological variables. The trend test results were spatially analysed
using Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation technique in ArcGIS 9.2 software
package. Significant falling trends in mean minimum, mean temperatures and mean wind
speed while significant rising trends in the diurnal temperature range were found over various
regions of Indian Himalayas and in the entire Indian Himalayas. The monsoon season was
found to be badly affected season for all the climatological variables. Significant decrease in
annual and monsoon rainfall and significant increase in winter rainfall were revealed. Asharp
declining trend throughout the Indian Himalayas was observed in mean wind speed. Spatial
trend analysis also indicate significant decrease in the mean temperature, rainfall, number of
rainy days andmean wind speed overthe western and central Himalayas.
The Blackman & Tukey power spectrum method was used to determine short-range
and long-range periodicities in the climatological variables. In the entire Indian Himalayas
very few periodicities were observed in the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) region (period
2-3 years). Most of the periodicities were observed at 3.3, 5, 6.7 years i.e. outside the QBO
region in all the climatological variables. However, in eastern Himalayas for mean minimum
temperature and mean wind speed and; in central Himalayas for mean temperature range the
significant periodicities were also observed at some other periodicities near the sunspot cycle
(11 years ± 1 years) and few near the Hale solar magnetic cycle (22 ± 1 years) in eastern
Himalayas for annual rainfall. Since its effect is almost the same as that of a random
component, no meaningful predictions can be made even though some significant larger
periodicities exist.
Study of impact of climate change on water resources indicate a significant increase
in annual mean temperature, mean maximum and mean minimum temperatures, unexpected
warming of pre-monsoon season, decrease in rainfall, snowfall and discharge at Satluj River
basin of western Himalayas. The warming was more pronounced in high altitude stations
receiving winter precipitation in the form of snowfall. Decrease in discharge from 1986-2002
in the Satluj River basin, may be due to diminishing contributions of the glaciers. The study
also shows that there is decrease in the extreme flows. However, a detailed analysis of
estimating impact of climate change in extreme flows is very important for designing of
water resources, irrigation and hydropower projects.