Over the past few decades there has been an accumula
tion of reports concerning fertility disorders in man with
disturbed levels of serum prolactin. One such fertility dis
order is defective sperm maturation which is associated with
the epididymis. The epididymis is unique, in the sense, it
facilitates sperm maturation at its proximal end and stores
them in a quiescent yet viable form at the distal region.
Thus, the epididymis by virtue of performing two contrast
ing functions has puzzled many an andrologist. In addition,
the identification of binding sites for prolactin in the
epididymis has drawn the attention of many investigators
at the present time. Thus, an attempt has been ma-de to in
vestigate the role of prolactin in the epididymis.
As a means of achieving this objective, experiments
have been designed so that other factors that influence
epididymal function are delineated and the precise action
of prolactin are exposed. The approach has.been to perform
the experiments on castrated animals so that the interfer
ence from spermatozoa, testicular fluid and androgens could
be minimized. Further, prolactin from an exogenous source
is injected at different doses (50,100,150 and 200/ig of 0-
PRL/100 g body weight, daily, subcutaneously for 7 days)
to simulate clinical conditions where reproductive dis
orders have been observed. Incidentally, hyperprolactinemia
ls also associated with low levels of androgens and this
also fits in very well with the experimental design. One
group of animals has also been treated with bromocryptine
!an ergot alkaloid, which significantly reduces the levels
of circulating prolactin at a dose of 0.3 mg/100 g body
weight, for a similar period of 7 days) to see the response
of the epididymis when serum prolactin levels are low. The
response of the male reproductive tract to prolactin was
initially monitored in terms of changes in weight of these
It was now felt necessary to establish how long the
exogenously administered prolactin remained in circulation.
Hence, a time course study was done and the serum levels
of prolactin monitored at intervals of 15 min, 30 min, 2h,
6h and 24 h after the last of the series of 7 injections.
Since interest was in the biological activity of the hetero
logous prolactin present in samples, this hormone was mea
sured by the 'local micro' pigeon crop sac bioassay. From
the results, it is clear that the exogenously administered
prolactin has a short half life and is not detectable at
15 min.
The action of prolactin on the functional status of
the epididymis also needed to be known. In this connection,
it was thought that measurement of glycerophosphocholine
(GPC) could throw more light, since it has been used as an
for this purpose by other investigators in the past.
Kany compounds are known to interfere with the determina
tion of GPC. Thus, in order to make an accurate analysis,
GPC was isolated and purified by a rapid procedure using
Amberlite CG 400 'semi micro' columns and then quantified.
Since the function of the epididymis change-along its course,
the analysis was done in segments that could form gross
points of reference (caput, corpus and cauda). Prolactin
was found to generally increase GPC levels in all segments
of the epididymis but to a varying degree. Of the three re
gions, the action of prolactin on GPC levels of the caput
seems to be more pronounced. The composition of epididymal
fluid of which GPC forms a part is crucial for sperm matu
ration and storage. Therefore, it is suggested that any
change in the level of this compound is bound to have the
repercussions on this process.
Lipids are important molecules that have multiple func
tions in the epididymis. The acyl glycerols provide fatty
acid side chains, the metabolism of which results in the
release of energy much needed by sperm during their tranit
through the epididymis. Phospholipids are also known
to be important sources of oxidizable substrate, in addi
tion to their role in maintaining the stability and permea
bility characteristics of membranes. Like other macromolecules,
the epididymal lipid composition is under the influf
hormones, predominantly androgens. A number of other
ence oj
as well have been implicated, but the action of
prolactin remains to be elucidated.
In the present study total lipids were extracted in
chloroform: methanol ( 2: 1 V/V) and quantified by gravi
metric methods. The individual lipid subclasses from these
extracts were separated using thin layer chromatographic
techniques and quantified spectrophotometrically. Recent
reviews on this subject have suggested that measurement of
the pool size of individual lipid classes ( as done in the
p-esent study) rather than estimation of the enzymes invol
ved in lipid metabolism truly reflect the situation in vivo.
Prolactin increased total lipids which could be attri
buted to the general rise in total glyceride glycerol, to
tal cholesterol and total phospholipids. A reduction in the
level of diacylglycerol was observed with a concomitant
rise in triacylglycerols, indicating a tendency for lipid
storage. Prolactin also ensured the conversion of choles
terol from the free to the esterified form. Among the phos
pholipids, phosphatidyl serine, sphingomyelin and phospha
tide acid were reduced while phosphatidyl inositol, phos
phatidyl choline and phosphatidyl ethanolamine showed a
rise. The results enumerated above are prominent in the
100 ,Mg O-PRL treated group which seems to be the dose at
which maximum changes are effected in the androgen starved
condition. Thus, it could be deduced that prolactin treat-
leads to an accumulation of triacylglycerol, phospha
tidyl inositol, phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl
choline. Based on these results, it has been inferred that
prolactin selectively favours metabolism through specific
pathways. The implications of these results are discussed.