tiothod to (a) above had to be abandoned as two soil scmplos were teken fbr each roading of all the cells in the container and in all about BO to 0 coil scnplos had to be takon within the lit itod area of the soil availablo. Bach soil ample in mothod (a) was taken by driving a cork borer through the d'apth of the soil. The portion of tho coil at the lovol at which the cell tras osiboddod was thon taken out of the borer. After the soil had boon bored it was es'3ontial to fill the hole with tho remaining soil from the borer and also some more additional soil to replace the quantity of soil removed for detcamination of moisturo content, It 11013 net possible to compact the soil in the bored halo to the soma unifbm density as that of the ,surrounding soil. All attempts wore therefbre made not to tato. the soil ample at the point whoro the boring had already boon made, i11th the limited area of the
soil available it was many a times not possiblo to take the plo
at placos other than the places where