An attempt bas been made to correlate two important factors in the design of soil-cement pavements, namely, California Bearing Ratio and Shear Strength.
Three mixes A, B and C were prepared using locally available Ranipur sand (fine sand) and olay in three proportions. In mixes A, B and C the percentages of clay to sand were 10, 20 and 30 respectively. The samples in the C.B.R. testing mould and for triaxial shear test were pre-pared using .0, 4, 8 and 12 percent' cementfor the above three mixes at optimum moisture content.
The samples were cured in moist condition for three days and then soaked for another four days under water. The tests were carried out in C.B.R. testing biaciline. In the triaxial shear machine, 10, 20, 30 and 40 psi. confining
pressures were used. The strength parameters 'C' and were obtained from these tests.
The C.B.R. values and cohesion for each sample were plotted on a double logarithmic graph and were found to follow a straight line relationship for equal percentages of cement.
The value of • 1) ' for all the three mixes increased slightly with ()emelt percentage, irregularly and was assumed to be practically constant.