As accurate prediction of Rigid Payment behaviour seder static loads Is lopertent from tear design point of view. Model experiments can be emp-loyed to arrive at such objectives.
Ike pretest levestigations were carried out on a rigid pavement model designed and constructed is the laboratory for the pumas* of studying tie stress distribution pattern on the pavement dna to static loads placed at three critical positions. the model coedited of sell **Ninths (with rubber *duties binder) end Bakelite pavement. The me were adopted after a few trials with other materials.
The test revolts revealed that the restergoardse theoretical analyele Is applicable in ease of pavements of this type. Out of the three critical leading positions, edge loading is important and produces the maxims critical stresses on the pavement, when considering no temperature gradient aid slab is is contact with embgrade.
The modified empirical equation has bees developed for critical distance is case of termer loading which is
1 a 2.2 I a1 1 )4
Chart; have bees developed on the basis of model tests to show the striae is case of three critical load positions for different l/a ratios. These charts cover most of cases of pareneate generally mat in the field. hetet they are very usefel from pavement design point of view.