This study deals with the development of variable parameter Muskingum overland flow
routing methods as an extension of the variable parameter Muskingum discharge
hydrograph (VPMD) river routing method advocated by Perumal in 1994 and the variable
parameter Muskingum stage hydrograph (VPMS) river routing method developed by
Perumal and Ranga Raju in 1998, after duly accounting for the occurrence of uniform
rainfall over the plane. Both these VPMD and VPMS overland flow routing methods, like
the corresponding channel routing methods, have been developed from the approximate
convection-diffusion (ACD) equations in discharge and flow depth formulations,
respectively, which are directly derived from the Saint-Venant equations (SVE). The
routing parameters ofthese methods expressed in terms offlow and plane characteristics are
varied by accounting for the longitudinal gradient of the water depth in their relationships in
a way consistent with the variation built into the solutions of the SVE. The Hortonian
overland flow modelling is accomplished by coupling the Green-Ampt (GA) infiltration
model with the VPMD and VPMS overland flow routing model frameworks. All these
methods are studied herein for their strengths and weaknesses in reproducing the benchmark
solutions of the full SVE and its variants. The present study is conducted with the following
four objectives: 1) To extend the VPMD channel routing method for overland flow
modelling studies and to compare its performance with those of other currently used
methods; 2) To extend the VPMS channel routing method for overland flow modelling
studies and to compare its performance with those ofother currently used methods, and with
that of the corresponding VPMD overland flow routing method; 3) To develop the
applicability criteria for the above methods; and 4) To apply the above methods for
Hortonian overland flow generation and to compare the performance of these methods with
those of other currently used methods.
The VPMD overland flow routing method is also applied as a component model for
runoff generation from a level V-catchment wherein the channel routing is accomplished
using the VPMD channel routing method. The interception loss required for runoff
computation ofthe V-catchment is accounted using a </> -index type method. The operational
performance evaluation of the VPMD method is extensively carried out using the
hypothetical overland flow data available in literature, besides the hypothetical numerical
solutions obtained from the use of SVE, the laboratory and field overland flow data.
Further, the VPMD solutions are evaluated by comparing with the corresponding analytical
solutions of the kinematic wave (KW) equation. The numerical study of the VPMD method
reveals that it is not necessary to strictly follow the Courant condition Cun * 1 as used in the
conventional solution methods for preserving the numerical stability. However, to preserve
the solution accuracy and efficient mass conservation (EVOL« 5%), the Courant
condition may vary in the range 0.1 < Cun < 10. The proposed VPMD method is found to be
advantageous over the currently available numerical overland flow simulation methods
because of its unconditional numerical stability, high accuracy level, and higher degree of
flexibility in the selection of the computational spatial and temporal grid sizes; thus, making
it amenable for coupling with various land surface schemes (LSSs) available for meso and
micro-scale catchment modelling studies for assessing the impact of land use and climate
changes on catchment runoff.
The operational performance of the VPMS method is also extensively evaluated using
the same data set as used for evaluating the VPMD overland flow routing method. The
efficacy of the VPMS solutions are compared with the corresponding VPMD solutions to
verify the merits and demerits of using flow depth as an operating variable in the overland
flow models in lieu of using the discharge variable. The results reveal that the VPMS
method provides comparatively more flexibility in selecting the computational time interval
and slightly more accuracy level in reproducing the overland flow depth hydrographs than
the VPMD and KW methods. Hence, the VPMS method is amenable for meso and microscale
catchment modelling, especially dealing with sediment erosion problem, by coupling
with various LSSs.
In order to be consistent with the criterion used for the classificationof one-dimensional
flood waves derived from the SVE and their applicability limits, a novel applicability
criterion based onthe magnitude of scaled longitudinal flow depth gradient (1/s0)(dy/dx)e
is developed for both the VPMD and VPMS overland flow routing methods. In practice, the
applicability limits ofthe variants ofthe SVE for overland flow modelling are commonly
assessed using the kinematic wave number (k) and (kF?p)e( =l/ju) (where, Frp is the
Froude number). In this study, the physical basis of the applicability criterion ' //' is
established as: // =(m +1) (1 / s0)(dy 18x)e, where mis the exponent of the Manning's (%)
or Chezy's (y2) friction law. Atotal of2268 numerical experiments, each for the VPMD
andVPMS methods were conducted to formulate the applicability criteria. The applicability
limits of the VPMD and VPMS overland flow routing methods are assessed and quantified
by comparing the routing results arrived at the outlet ofan overland flow plane for various
hypothetical cases, comprising of different combinations of rainfall intensities, overland
flow plane lengths and slopes, and Manning's roughness coefficients, with the
corresponding benchmark solutions of the full SVE and ACD equations. Such evaluation
reveals that at 95% accuracy level of these performance evaluation measures, the
applicability limits of the VPMD and VPMS overland flow methods can be fixed at:
(l/s0)(dy/dx) < 0.6 and (\/sQ)(dy/dx) < 0.35, respectively. Hence, the VPMD method
can be successfully used over the entire applicability range of the KW and to a greater
extent of the applicability limits of the diffusive wave models. However, the applicability
limit of the VPMS method is restricted as compared to that of the VPMD method for
overland flow modelling, which is contrary to the applicability limits of the corresponding
channel routing methods.
Further, for simulating the Hortonian overland flow process, the GA infiltration model
is coupled with the VPMD and VPMS overland flow routing methods through sink/source
type coupling to develop the VPMD-GA and VPMS-GA models, respectively. These two
methods are well-tested by using the numerical experiment data accounting for the spatial
heterogeneity in the model framework. The simulation results reveal that these overland
flow routing methods are capable of closely reproducing the solutions of the hydrodynamic
and characteristic-based KWmodels. Although, the source/sink type coupling is not able to
ensure full volume conservation as compared to the full dynamic, sequential-iterative, and
decoupling approaches, it provides liberty from the numerical complexity and ensuring
simplicity in modelling. Furthermore, these models are very simple to formulate,
unconditionally stable, accurate, CPU-run time efficient, and provide relatively wide
flexibility in the computational grid sizes selection. Hence, these VPMD-GA and VPMSGA
coupled overland flow routing methods can also be used for basin modelling of
different scales.