Bangladesh is a flood prone country and extreme floods inundate more than half of the
country's landmass almost every year. The country is in the lowest ridge of Hindu Kush
Himalayan region, which makes the country hydrologically very diverse, complex, and
unique. Economy, environment, ecology, livelihood, and development are affected by
devastating floods every year.
Flood Forecasting and Warning Service (FFWS) of Bangladesh was established in 1972 as a
permanent entity under Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). Initially co-axial
correlations, gauge-to-gauge statistical co-relation relationships, and Muskingum-Cunge
routing method were used for forecasting of water levels in advance. Facing different
devastating floods, Government of Bangladesh conceptualized that the advancement of the
forecasting and warning system can improve the FFWS and accordingly different projects
were taken up. Despite the advancement of FFWS, the present flood forecasting and warning
system of Bangladesh has the following limitations:
• Limitation in updating the morphometric characterstics of river basins which are
needed for modeling the flood forecasting system,
• The Lead-time of 48 hrs is not sufficient for disseminating the information to effect
timely response of flood prone communities,
• Improper hydraulic designs in the flood plains due to lack of hydrometric
measurement of discharge and stage,
• Limited co-ordination between associated organizations, and
• Absence of feedback from end users with the system.
The lead time in present flood forecasting setup can be improved significantly by introducing
the concept of forecasted rainfall in flood forecasting models. Further, the present flood
warning system can be improved significantly by people's participation and feedback from
the involved communities.
The present study has been taken up with the broad objective to develop the methodology for
an improved flood forecasting and warning system suitable for Bangladesh using the web
resources available in public domain and recent developments in hydrological modeling and
GIS technology. The study involved the use of following methods:
(i) Extraction of river network and catchment boundary using 90m (3-arc second) SRTM
(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and GIS
(Geographical Information System) application,
(ii) Evaluation of ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts) and
TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission) rainfall data for flood studies,
(iii) Development of flood forecasting system using MIKE11 Rainfall-Runoff (NAM:
Nedbor-Afstromnings-Model), HD (hydrodynamic), and FF (flood forecasting)
modelling and ECMWF data for increasing the lead time and minimizing the forecast
(iv)Estimation of design flood discharge and flood levels using L-moments based
methods and different modules of MIKE11,
(v) Assessment of existing early flood warning dissemination system based on literature
review, interaction with associated organizations, and feedback from the end users.
The selection of study areas for different objectives of the study was of critical importance as
most of the rivers of Bangladesh are international rivers and there are a number of unresolved
issues between the associated countries. Hence, the study areas were selected in a way that
does not generate any controversy and the departments responsible for maintaining data
records are minimum. In addition, the availability of data and particular objective of the study
played major role in the selection of study areas.
For development of flood forecasting system, Jamuneswari river system has been selected as
it has a high density of raingauges and its stage and discharge data and the river cross
sections at different locations are available. Also the entire catchment of the river lies in
Bangladesh. To delineate the river network and catchment boundary of the Jamuneswari river
catchment, a study has been conducted over twelve different catchments at different locations
in Bangladesh to find out the limitation of 90m SRTM DEM (Shuttle Radar Topographic
Mission; Digital Elevation Module) and D8 method of ArcGIS 9.3 software.
Teesta subcatchment in Bangladesh has been used for estimation of design flood discharge
and design stage. This approach has been developed using frequency analysis, MIKE11
NAM and HD model and GIS mapping technique.
Flood prone areas of Dhobaura and Shibalaya sub-districts in Bangladesh have been
selected for feedback from endusers to assess the existing early flood warning dissemination
system (EFWDS).
Delineation of river network and catchment boundary using 3-arc second SRTM DEM
The 90m SRTM DEM have been used to delineate river networks and to extract Jamuneswari
catchments boundary using the D8 method and ArcGIS. While delineating the
Jamuneswari catchment, limitation of 90m SRTM DEM in drainage network delineation
were observed. This led to an extensive study to determine the limitation of DEM data and
the D8 method. Twelve catchments of varying geomorphology were chosen from five
hydrological zones of Bangladesh. Basin characteristics such as bifurcation ratio, drainage
density and channel slope of the catchments were estimated and analyzed. From this study, it
is concluded that, in flat terrains, having a slope flatter then 1:2850, delineation of drainage
network must be carried out carefully using the Hydrology tool of ArcGIS software that uses
the D8 method for delineation of drainage pattern and catchments. It is also recommended
that other techniques excluding D8 method as implemented in ArcGIS, should be
experimented with before a general conclusion about the use of SRTM data in flat terrains
could be drawn.
Evaluation of ECMWF and TRMM rainfall data for flood studies
Under this study, ECMWF and TRMM daily rainfall data for three locations of Ganges,
Brahmaputra, and Meghna (GBM) basins in Bangladesh have been analyzed by statistical
visual verification, yes/no-dichotomous verification, and continuous variables verification
methods. Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) rainfall data for the years 2004 and
2006 are used as the reference data.
The results of the analysis indicate the potential for use of both ECMWF and TRMM in flood
studies. Quantitative precipitation estimates from ECMWF and TRMM may be used for areas
where rainfall data are not available or where number of rainfall stations are inadequate. The
supremacy of either of the methods of rainfall estimation over the other method could not be
established. The ECMWF provides the rainfall data in advance and hence can be used in
flood forecasting studies to increase the forecast lead time. The ECMWF forecasted rainfall
data have been used in Jamuneswari Flood Forecasting System (JFFS) for augmentation of
lead time.
Development of Jamuneswari Flood Forecasting and Warning System (JFFS)
In this study, a Jamuneswari Flood Forecasting System (JFFS) has been developed using
MIKE11 NAM, HD and FF model in a study area Jamuneswari catchment in the
northwestern part of Bangladesh. The used real time hydrometorological data of the
catchment have been analyzed to reduce uncertainties. The effect of uncertainties in flood
forecasting has been assessed by comparing efficiency index, coefficient of correlation,
volume error, peak error, and peak time error. MIKE11 FF module has been applied to
minimize error in the forecasted result.
The 24-, 48-, and 72-hour ECMWF forecasted rainfall data for 2006 have been used in the
JFFS for augmentation of lead time of flood forecast in the Jamuneswari catchment area. The
results show that with increase in forecast lead-time, the accuracy decreases. For increasing
the accuracy of flood forecasted result, the JFFS has then been updated using MIKE11 FF
module with observed data. The updated JFFS has produced reliable and satisfactory results.
The steps for developing this flood forecasting system are generic and can be used in any
geographic condition in the world.
Development of approach for estimation of design flow and stage
A study was conducted in the Teesta subcatchment in Bangladesh for determining design
flood flows and corresponding flood stages for different return periods using frequency
analysis and MIKE11 model. Different distribution functions of frequency analysis were
tested for their goodness of fit. The observed discharge data at Kaunia on the river Teesta was
used for estimation of design flood. The Pearson Type III distribution was found best fitted
by Kolmogorov-Smirnov, D-index, and L-Moment Diagram Ratio tests and accordingly 25-,
50-, and 100-year return periods design floods were computed. The river network of Teesta
River was extracted from SRTM 90m DEM. The river network of Teesta subcatchment was
then simulated by MIKE 11 NAM and HD model. The resultant time series of river stage was
then compared with corresponding observed values. From the model, a stage-discharge
relationship (Q-h) curve and respective equation were developed for Kaunia station on the
river Teesta. The developed equation determines the corresponding flood stage of estimated
flood flow of 25-, 50-, and 100-year return periods. The resulting flows and stages will be
useful to design hydraulic structures, prepare flood extent maps, to assess vulnerability of
flood damage for different return periods, and provide flood forecasting for early warning of
floods. The approach presented would be applicable to similar river basin systems where data
are limited and scarce.
Assessment for improvement of existing EFWDS of Bangladesh
Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) was established in 1972. The FFWC
developed a comprehensive system for collection, processing, and transmission of data,
preparation of flood forecasts and warnings on a daily basis and dissemination of forecasts
and warnings to various government and non-government organizations, media groups and
other concerned parties over the year. From establishment through present, EFWDS of
Bangladesh has been improved under several projects. Despite several advances in flood
forecasting system in Bangladesh, the existing system often underperforms because the
warning dissemination and response of the end users are unsatisfactory. The present study has
been taken up with the objective to critically assess the existing EFWDS of Bangladesh and
suggest suitable improvements in this system based on review of literature, interaction with
officials of various organizations involved in flood forecasting and dissemination, and
interaction with the flood affected people of Dhobaura and Shibalaya sub-districts in
Bangladesh. The recommendation for active participation by all related organizations has
been made in this study. Two studies have been conducted by surveying the opinion of flood
vulnerable communities so that all elements of the EFWDS would provide useful flood
warnings to all potential users.