Continued interest exists in-shortening the malleabi-lisation cycle as well _as in obtaining high duty pearlitic
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malleable irons in the UTS range of nearly 80-90 kgs/mm
with coresponding 5/6 percent elongation to suit special engineering. requirements. These property combinations will excell 120-90-02 variety of-S.G. Iron (270-350 BHN) designated by Gray and Ductile Iron Founder's Society of America. Development of such a high duty pearlitikmalleable iron would, not only make a auperior grade available to the design .enginocr, but would also solve certain regional ' problems, where the manufacture•of.S.G. Iron is considered reIati-voIi -more difficult for on -case-n---or the other.-This is especially_ true of Indian situation....