Model systems involving nucleic acid and protein consti
tuents have been widely used to obtain information on the
specific interaction involved in protein-nucleic acid associa
tions. The advantage to carry out this type of studies is
the possibility to investigate interactions of specific
nucleotide sequence of DNA with peptide chain with controlled
amino acid composition, sequence, chain lengths and predictable
conformation, which results in considerable simplification
of the system as compared to the natural protein-DNA systems.
Stacking of aromatic amino acids with nucleic acid bases
is found to exist in the crystal structure of nucleoside
peptide 5-[N-(L-phenylalanyl)-amino] uridine. Tyrosine, phenyla
lanine and tryptophan are found to stack in complexes of
prokaryotic ribonuclease T with 2'-GMP, gene 5 protein of
phase fd with (dA)5, lac repressor with operator etc. The
present study has been undertaken to investigate stacking
interactions using model systems with a view to find base/base
sequence specificity and conformational changes induced
on stacking. We have studied interaction of Tyr, Trp, Phe
containing tri- and tetrapeptide with d-CpG d-GpC, d-GpCpGpC
and d-CpCpGpG. One-dimensional NMR is used to find chemical
shifts due to stacking, changes in Tm etc. while two-dimen
sional NMR techniques-J-correlated spectroscopy (COSY) and
nuclear overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) serve
as methods to assign all proton NMR signals unambiguously
and determine solution conformation such as sugar pucker,
helix sense, glycosidic bond rotation and interproton dis
tances. We also present results of theoretical energy calcula
tions made on stacking of Tyr, Trp, Phe with C, G bases,
A-T and C-G base pairs and intercalation between C-G and
G-C base pairs. Classical potential function has been used
to estimate conformational energy. Total interaction energies
are calculated as sum of electrostatic, dispersion, polari
zation and repulsion terms.
The upfield shifts of aromatic ring proton resonances
of Trp, Tyr and Phe indicate stacking. The interaction is
more prominent with double-helix than with single-stranded
DNA. Practically in all cases DNA is double-helix with and
without binding, sugar conformations are mostly Ol'-endo,
glycosidic bond rotations are anti/high anti. Interproton
NOE's show most of the peptides are either in close proximity
or stack with nucleotides. Among oligopeptides, the binding
of d-GpCpGpC with Lys-Tyr-Lys is strongest. The binding
of d-CpG with various aromatic amino acids of peptide have
been found to be in the order Trp > Tyr > Phe. From theoretical
studies, the interaction energies for model system d-CG
with aromatic amino acids are in the same order and thus
are in agreement with NMR results that we have obtained.
From our studies, we have thus shown that there is
a specified type of base/base sequences specificity in nucleic
acid-protein interactions. This may be the reason for specific
recognition of binding site of nucleic acid by proteins.