Artificial groundwater recharge (AGR) by conservation of surface runoffs on
watershed basis, as a measure to restore back the depleted groundwater level and to augment
the groundwater resource in phreatic aquifer, is promoted by both the central and state
governments in India. It is as one of the key strategies, for sustainable groundwater
management, particularly in the arid and semi-arid regions. A number of AGR schemes are
practiced in India; in which, practice of groundwater recharge by pond is very common due
to its constructional simplicity and low operational and maintenance cost. For sustainable
groundwater management and for economic design of well based on the augmented water
from such recharge schemes, one has to know the rate of recharge and its responses to the
underneath aquifer.
Each recharge pond has a specific catchment area from where it receives water. The
runoff that generates from the rainfall over the pond's catchment, stores in the pond and
then infiltrates below for recharge to the aquifer at a rate faster than the normal recharge.
The rate of recharge depends on the difference of heads in the pond and the underneath
groundwater table in addition to the subsurface soil properties and the saturated hydraulic
conductivity. The head of water in the pond is governed by the: (i) surface runofffrom its
catchment, (ii) direct rainfall over its surface, (iii) evaporation from its water surface, and
(v) excess outflow runoff from its storage.
In the present investigations, each of the hydrologic components involved in the
water balance of a pond has been studied separately to derive suitable process level models
in accordance to the data usually monitored in the field, and thereafter, the derived process
level models are integrated in the water balance equation of the pond to arrive at the
required recharge estimation models.
The recharge component that constitutes two aspects; the potential recharge and the
actual recharge, has been studied using the Green-Ampt (GA) infiltration model for deriving
the process based potential recharge model, and the Hantush's approximate analytical
solution for deriving the process based actual recharge model.
Approximating the logarithmic term, ln(l +Lf/H +v|/f) of the GA model [where Lf
= length of the advancement of the wetting front; H = depth of ponding; and v|/f = suction
head) by the segmental second order polynomials; the approximate expressions for Lf are
derived satisfying all ranges of [Lf/(H+\(/f )]> 0. Five segmental equations are found to fit
to ln[l +Lf/(H +\|/f )J for [Lf/(H +\|/f)] >0 within the error bound of ± 1%. Unlike
estimation of Lf by the trial and error method as required in the GA model, the proposed
expressions estimate Lfexplicitly. The characteristic behaviors of the derived Lfexpressions
are studied for four textural classes of soils namely; sand, loam, clay loam and sandy clay,
considering depth of water to be constant, and are found have similar responses as described
by the GA model. The proposed model for/-/is thereafter used to develop the time varying
process based potential recharge estimation model. The responses of the potential recharge
model are studied for all the four soil texture groups. The results showed similar behaviors
as that of the GA model. The equation to estimate the time for the wetting front to the reach
water table is also derived. Using the Hantush's approximate analytical equation that has
been derived for predicting the rise of groundwater level due to constant recharge through
rectangular basin, the process based actual recharge rate estimation model for time varying
depth of water and water spread area is developed. The characteristic behavior of the actual
recharge estimation model is also studied.
By linking the normalized antecedent precipitation index (NAPI) with the antecedent
soil moisture content (AMC) and AMC to the losses of precipitation, a simple rainfall-runoff
model for predicting runoff yields is derived using the basic water balance equation. The
model is based on the concept of normalized antecedent precipitation index proposed by
Heggen (2001). The model has three watershed specific parameters, which can easily be
estimated from historical data of rainfall-runoff events. The model requires single input;
rainfall and one rainfall dependant variable 'NAPE. The performance of the proposed model
is compared with the Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) model. The
parametric relationships between parameters of the proposed model and CN of the SCS-CN
model are also studied. The proposed model is tested with the field data collected from three
small watersheds located in the semi-arid region in Rajasthan, India. The results exhibited a
superior match by the proposed model than the SCS-CN model.
By evaluating the performances of four commonly used evaporation estimate models,
namely; Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB), Mass transfer (MT), Priestley-Taylor(PT) and
Pan evaporation (PE), based on the experimental field data, the most effective and reliable
model for estimating the evaporation rate for the semi-arid region in Rajasthan is identified.
The performances of the BREB, the PT and the PE models are found nearly complementary
to each other while the MT method is found to deviate. In this study, the BREB model is
used for the computation of evaporation rate, as the data required by the BREB model were
available from the field investigation.
By extending the process based models derived for rainfall-runoff, evaporation and
the recharge estimation in the water balance equation of a trapezoidal pond, the integrated
models for computing the time varying depth of water, the potential and actual groundwater
rechargehave been developed. The models are developed for two different sets of condition:
first, till the wetting front touches the water table, and the second one, as the water table
rises due to subsequent recharges after the pond is hydraulically connected to the aquifer.
The performances of the integrated models have also been tested using the data collected
from the experimental trapezoidal pond located in the semi-arid region in Rajasthan. The
comparison of the observed and the simulated depths of water are found to have a close
match. The correlation coefficients of the statistical parameters have also shown a good
agreement between the observed and simulated results. The responses of the integrated
process based models in estimation of the potential and the actual recharge rates are found
most promising. These process based models can be extended to other areas for quantifying
the recharge component for similar or other types of recharge schemes.
For evaluating the performances of two data series, the statistical parameters namely;
coefficient of determination, index of agreement, percentage relative error, standard error of
estimate, and relative bias are chosen as the guiding factors.