In recent years studies on the effect of geochemistry on
the environmental health has become an interesting area for
technologists. Any rational study on a riverine system cannot be
full fledged without a fairly adequate knowledge of its mineral
quality. Mineral quality, commonly known as salinity, is a basin
wide problem of a river and critically important to the users of
lower reaches. The in-depth study of mineral occurrence,
behavior and transport is an extremely important aspect in river
pollution studies because minerals are the first to enter the
water-body in its virgin state and exist within it till the river
joins the ocean.
River alimentation and flow regimes play an important role
in the occurrence and transport of minerals in a riverine system.
In general, the geology, weathering and erosion of rocks play a
key role in the mineral transport in the areas where the human
activities are minimum, but in the lower stretches of the river,
human activities also contribute alongwith the abovesaid natural
processes. Sometimes, the mineral concentrations in a riverine
system are helpful in identifying the mineral sources in
geochemical prospecting practices.
The riverine system under the present investigations is
Ganga river, the mighty and holy river of India, originating from
the snow clad peaks of Himalayas. Ganga river travels
approximately 2525 km in its long journey passing through U.P.,
Bihar and West Bengal. In addition to the traditional religious
bearings, the waters are being used for irrigation, domestic and
industrial purposes.
The present investigation involved an in-depth study of
occurrence and transport of minerals in the unexplored and zero
pollution region of Ganga river, comprising of 510 km stretch
from Badrinath to Rajghat Narora, 'The Upper Ganga Reach'. The
investigations included the visualisation of the variation in
other physico chemical parameters to identify the mineralized
zones, the influence of important tributaries, identification of
human activities and their impact on mineral transport and to
develop a suitable mineral index which reflects the mineral
The physico chemical parameters, which influence the
occurrence and transport of minerals like pH, ORP, conductivity
and total dissolved solids alongwith the important cationic and
anionic mineral constituents were chosen for the study.
To identify the zones of importance extensive surveys were
conducted from Dec. 1984 to May 1985 at the primary network
sampling stations. The stations were fixed on the basis of
reconnaissance surveys. The data collected has been analysed and
the spatial variations explored. The observations between
Rishikesh and Haridwar revealed the importance of the stretch
with respect to mineral loading of Ganga river. In this 22.2 km
stretch the withdrawal of Ganga water into a canal at Chi 11a head
works leaves very little water to flow downstream and the Song
river, which carries a lot of mineral matter joins Ganga at this
point. In this stretch the recharge of ground water during lean
flow season was also found to be significant.
Song river drains Doon Valley in its course, which is known
for its richness in limestone and phosphorite mineral reserves.
To assess the impact of Song river on Ganga river, the stretch of
Song river was also chosen and the secondary network sampling
stations were fixed.
The data of extensive sampling on Ganga and Song rivers was
exposed to checks for its accuracy of the analysis. To represent
the chemical composition of river systems Hill-Piper Trilinear
diagram was plotted which revealed that the composition of Ganga
river is dominated by alkaline earths and weak acids throughout
the stretch, except at Satyanarayana. At Satyanarayana, the
waters showed a mixed type of quality, which is due to the
confluence of Song. Same effect was also observed in the spatial
trends of other parameters.
Besides the general profiles of physico chemical
parameters, Principal Component Analysis was resorted to classify
the Ganga river into mineralized and non-mineralized zones, to
find out dominating parameters at different locations, and to
evaluate the validity of the sampling network and frequency. The
results obtained from PCA are in concordance with the
The flow of Song river is chiefly derived by the effluent
ground water springs. The four major tributaries Baldi,
Bandal, Tawa and Bangla Rao, are the major sources to add more
mineral content to the river. The chemical composition of Song
river and its tributaries showed distinct spatial variations.
The composition of Song water in the initial stages is
constituted by alkaline earths and weak acids. After the
confluence of Bandal river the composition of waters change and
is governed by the presence of alkaline earths with strong acids.
Later the waters exhibit a mixed type of chemical composition in
which no single cation or anion pair exceeds 50 percent of the
total ions. The temporal variation in mineral parameters clearly
indicated the base flow and run-off conditions of the river,
whereas, the spatial variations reflect the gradient of mineral
deposits in Song river stretch as it passes towards Ganga river
through Doon Valley.
To represent the mineral transport and the impact of
various tributaries on the mineral profile of Ganga an attempt
was also made to calculate mineral indices by using physico
chemical parameters. The proposed indices were aimed to provide
tangible information about the mineral quality of Ganga river by
avoiding huge amounts of data. The formulations of the reported
general WQI and statistical approaches were considered. Out of
the reported indices the formulations of Horton's and Mc Duffie's
RPI were considered because of the parameter flexibility. Among
the statistical approaches, Harkins index was selected.
To minimise the subjectivity in the proposed index, opinion
poll was conducted for the selection of parameters, rating scale
and weightages for the selected parameters. On the basis of
responses received, the following parameters pH , total dissolved
solids, bicarbonates, carbonates, chlorides, sulfates, calcium,
magnesium, sodium, cadmium, nickel, manganese, total anions and
total cations were included in the calculation. To assess the
contribution of heavy metals in the mineral index values, indices
were calculated separately by including and excluding the heavy
The trends of all the three indices were observed to be
similar, but the extent of increase or decrease was different,
because of difference in the formulations. In the trends of
mineral indices in Ganga river the impact of Song was clearly
visible and is supported by the trends of mineral parameters.
From the mineral index profiles of Song river, the impacts of
Baldi and Bangla Rao were distinct. Comparison of index values
in Ganga and Song rivers, with and without heavy metals, clearly
indicated the significance of heavy metal contribution in both
the rivers.