Estimation of magnitudes of likely occurrence of floods is of great importance
for design of various types ofhydraulic structures. Floods ofdifferent return periods
are also required for taking up some of the non-structural measures of flood
management. As per the Bureau of Indian Standards hydrological design criteria,
frequency based floods find their applications in estimation of design floods for
almost all the types of hydraulic structures viz. small size dams, barrages, weirs, road
and railway bridges, cross drainage structures, flood control structures etc., excluding
large and intermediate size dams. For design of large and intermediate size dams
probable maximum flood (PMF) and standard project flood (SPF) are adopted,
respectively. However, in these two cases also flood frequency analysis is invariably
performed for assessing the return periods of PMF and SPF. Whenever, rainfall or
river flow records are not available at or near the site of interest, it is difficult for
hydrologists or engineers to derive reliable design flood estimates directly. In such a
situation, regional flood frequency relationships developed for the region are one of
the alternative methods, which may be adopted for estimation of design floods
especially for small catchments.
As the studies on flood frequency estimation in India are limited, scattered and
mostly based on the conventional techniques; hence, there is an urgent need for
making systematic efforts for developing a reliable and convenient regional flood
frequency estimation procedure based on the state of art technique for gauged and
ungauged catchments. Further, the soft computing techniques offer real advantages
over conventional modeling, including the ability to handle large amounts of noisy
data from dynamic and nonlinear systems, especially when the underlying
hydrological relationships are not fully understood. These techniques viz. Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) have been applied for solving some of
the hydrological problems such as development of stage-discharge relationship, flood
forecasting, rainfall-runoff modeling, estimation of precipitation and evaporation,
ground water modeling, water quality modeling etc. However, applications of ANNs
in regional flood frequency estimation are limited and use of Fuzzy Logic in regional
flood frequency estimation remains to be investigated. Whereas, some of the recent
studies show that the fuzzy modeling is more versatile and improved alternative to
In this study, regional flood frequency relationships have been developed for
17 hydrometeorologically homogeneous categorized Subzones of India using the Lmoments
approach. The applicability of soft computing techniques viz. Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) in regional flood
frequency estimation has also been investigated. The L-moments form basis of an
elegant mathematical theory and can be used to facilitate the estimation process in
regional frequency analysis. The L-moment based methods are demonstrably superior
to those that have been used previously, and are now being adopted by many
organizations worldwide. For carrying out the regional flood frequency estimation
study, screening of the annual maximum peak flood data has been carried out for
assessing the suitability of the data for regional flood frequency analysis by the Lmoments
based Discordancy (Dj) statistic test. The regional homogeneity of the 17
Subzones has been tested employing the L-moments based heterogeneity measure (H)
by carrying out 500 simulations using the four parameter Kappa distribution. For
carrying out regional flood frequency analysis studies based on the L-moments
approach twelve frequency distributions viz. Extreme Value (EV1), General Extreme
Value (GEV), Logistic (LOS), Generalized Logistic (GLO), Normal (NOR),
Generalized Normal (GNO), Exponential (EXP), Uniform (UNF), Generalized Pareto
(GPA), Pearson Type-Ill (PE3), Kappa (KAP) and five parameter Wakeby (WAK)
have been used. Based on the L-moment ratio diagram as well as Zdist -statistic
criteria robust frequency distributions have been identified for the 17 Subzones of
The 17 Subzones covertotal 25,89,342 km2 area, which constitutes about79%
of the geographical area of India. The annual maximum peak flood data and
catchment areas of 261 streamflow gauging sites of the 17 Subzones of India were
collected for carrying out the study. Outof these, the data of 196 streamflow gauging
sites and their catchment areas have been used for regional flood frequency
estimation. The data of remaining 65 streamflow gauging sites have been excluded as
per the data screening and regional homogeneity testing procedures. The record length
for these streamflow gauging sites varies from 5 to 38 years. The catchment areas of
the streamflow gauging sites range from 6 km2 to 2,297 km2 and their mean annual
peak floods vary from 12.8 m3/s to 1687.3 m3/s.
Out of the 17 Subzones, PE3 has been identified as the robust distribution for
7 Subzones, GNO for 3 Subzones, GEV for 3 Subzones, GPA for 3 Subzones and
GLO for 1 Subzone of India. The regional flood frequency relationships have been
developed based on the respective robust identified frequency distributions for
estimation of floods of various return periods for gauged catchments for the 17
For estimation of floods of various return periods for ungauged catchments,
the regional relationships have been developed betweenmean annual peak floods and
catchments areas of the gauged catchments of the 17 Subzones using the Levenbergiii
Marquardt (LM) iteration procedure. The performance of this technique has been
evaluated based on the statistical performance indices viz. Efficiency (EFF),
Correlation Coefficient (CORR), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean
Average Error (MAE). The regional relationships developed between mean annual
peak floods and catchments areas for the 17 Subzones have been coupled with the
respective L-moments based robust identified regional flood frequency relationships
developed for gauged catchments for each of the Subzones.
The regional flood frequency relationships have also been developed for
estimation of floods of various return periods for gauged and ungauged catchments
for 4 Subzones out of the 17 Subzones using ANN and FIS techniques. Performances
of ANN, FIS and L-moments in regional flood frequency estimation have been
compared based on the statistical performance criteria viz. EFF, CORR, RMSE and
The regional flood frequency relationships developed in the present study
based on L-moments provide a convenient method for estimation of floods of various
return periods for gauged and ungauged catchments of the 17 Subzones of India for
the practitioners. The applicability of ANN and FIS in regional flood frequency
estimation is explored and comparison of ANN, FIS and L-moments establishes the
potential of FIS in regional flood frequency estimation.